

This article contains basic information about invoices in Wavebid, including how invoices are generated, how and when to edit invoices, how to move lots to a new invoice, how to print invoices, and how to utilize the invoice Notes field. For information on emailing invoices to bidders, see Emailing Invoices.

For information on adding a bidder's shipping address to the invoice, see Invoice Shipping Address.

For information relating to VAT, see International Wavebid Features.

Quick Tips

This article contains the following sections:


Generating Invoices

Clerking a lot to a bidder automatically generates an invoice for that paddle number.

  • If the bidder has not been checked-in yet, the invoice will just contain the paddle number.
  • If the bidder has been checked-in, the invoice will also contain the bidder's name and contact information.

Re-clerking a lot to "Pass" will remove the lot from the bidder's invoice (if the invoice is unpaid). For more information on clerking, see Clerking.

If all of the lots clerked to a bidder are re-clerked to "Pass" or to other bidders, the original bidder invoice will be deleted. Invoices are only generated for bidders who have lots clerked to them.

Invoices may need to be refreshed before clerking changes will appear.

Importing sale data from an online bidding platform will also generate invoices. If lots need to be added/removed from an invoice after importing, those changes can be made by re-clerking the lots.


Invoice Numbers

Wavebid's default invoice numbering system is the bidder number (paddle number), followed by the event number (workspace ID), followed by the number 1 (unless the bidder has multiple invoices in the same event). For example, 5005-207744-1. For more information, see Invoice Settings.


Pro Forma Invoices

Please note, Wavebid does not currently offer pro forma invoices, though users may be able to Form Builder to generate a document serving the same purpose.


Self Billing Invoices

Wavebid does not currently offer 'Self Billing' invoices, though users may be able to save their Seller Settlements as PDFs and then alter them as needed using a PDF editor.

To do so, navigate to the Seller Summary page for the event (Auction > Accounting > Sellers), click the Printer icon in the top right corner of the page, and select Print Seller Invoices. A new window will open where the Seller Settlements can be saved as PDFs.


Editing Invoices

The amount of information that appears on the invoice pertaining to the lot itself is determined by the Invoice Settings.

For information on adding a bidder's shipping address to the invoice, see Invoice Shipping Address.


When Invoices Can Be Edited

Invoices that do not have any payments applied to them can be edited.

Invoices that have full or partial payments applied cannot be edited until the payment(s) are deleted. Issuing a refund on an invoice does not delete a payment. See Payments for more information.

Changes made to the auction settings, fees, clerking, premiums, etc. will not be reflected on an invoice with payments applied.


Editing Invoice Number

For information on editing the invoice number, see Invoice Settings. The invoice number can be manually edited even if a payment has already been applied to the invoice.


Editing Fees, Buyer's Premiums, Online Premiums, and Taxes

Fees, Buyers Premiums, Online Premiums, and taxes can be edited directly from the invoice. If an asterisk (*) appears next to a Premium or Tax amount on an invoice, the amount has been manually edited so that it differs from the auction default(s). Please see the corresponding articles for information on making changes to these values.

For information on Convenience (credit card) fees, see the 'Accounting Tab' section in the Auction Settings help article.

If issues arise when attempting to update the Buyer's Premium or taxes on an invoice, see Why Can't I Edit the Taxes or Premiums on an Invoice?

To have the Buyer's Premium tax appear separately from the sales tax on the invoice, see the 'Taxes' section of the Buyer's Premiums help article.


Removing Lots

Re-clerking a lot is the best way to change the hammer price or remove a lot from an invoice. Clerking a lot as "Reserve Not Met" or "Pass" will remove it from an unpaid invoice.


Splitting Lots

For information on splitting a lot between bidders, see Can I Clerk 1 Lot to 2 Bidders?


Refreshing Invoices

If indirect changes have been made that impact unpaid invoices, such as lots being re-clerked or changing the Buyers Premium at auction level, invoices may need to be refreshed before those changes will be visible.

To refresh all invoices, click the Refresh button in the top right corner of the page. For more information, see Invoices Page. RefreshInvoice.PNG


Buyer Information

The buyer's information, including name, address, contact information, can be edited on the invoice by clicking on the Edit link located above the buyer's information.

Some buyer information may not be able to be edited on the invoice once any payments have been applied. In that case, the payment(s) would first need to be removed. Once the buyer information has been edited, the payment could then be re-applied to the invoice.



Move Lots to Another Invoice (Split/Merge)

In some cases, a bidder may wish to have one of their lots listed on an invoice separately from the rest of their purchased lots (splitting an invoice). Alternatively, if the bidder has two invoices, they may wish to have all of their lots merged into one invoice.

  1. Navigate to the bidder's invoice.
  2. Check the box to left of the lot(s) that need to be moved.
  3. Select Move Selected Items from the Actions drop-down located under the lots. MoveLotsOnInvoice2.PNG
  4. A pop-up window will open.
    • To move a lot to a newly generated invoice for the same bidder (split invoices), select New Invoice from the Select an Invoice drop-down.
    • To move a lot to another existing invoice for the same bidder (merge invoices), select the bidder's other invoice from the Select an Invoice drop-down.                           MoveLotsOnInvoice.PNG
  5. Click the Move Items button.
    • If a new invoice was generated (split invoice), the bidder will now have two invoices on the Invoices Page. The first invoice number will end in 1 while the second invoice number will end in 2. BidderWith2Invoices.PNG
    • If the invoices were merged, the remaining invoices will appear on the Invoices Page. If an invoice no longer has any lots on it, the invoice will be deleted.


Printing/Downloading Invoices

Printing/Downloading Invoices in Bulk

  1. Navigate to the applicable auction from the Dashboard, then select Accounting > Invoices.
  2. Check the box to the left of each invoice to be printed.
    • Check the box in the column header to select all invoices.
  3. Click the Printer icon in the top right corner of the page.
  4. Selecting whether to print All Invoices, Paid Invoices only, or Unpaid Invoices only.
    • A PDF of each invoice will be generated using the default template selected for the auction. The PDFs can then be printed or saved.
    • If Checkout Pages have been enabled, a pick-list option will appear as well. For information on pick-lists, see Using a Pick-List for Checkout. PrintInvoice2.jpg

Printing/Downloading Individual Invoices

  1. Navigate to the applicable auction from the Dashboard, then select Accounting > Invoices.
  2. Click on an invoice to open it.
  3. Click the Printer icon in the top right corner of the page and select a print option:
    • Printable Invoice: Will print the invoice using the Invoice Template selected for the auction.
    • Print All Printable Invoices: Will print all Invoice Templates that have been created that have the
    • If Checkout Pages have been enabled, a pick-list option will appear as well. For information on pick-lists, see Using a Pick-List for Checkout. PrintInvoice1.jpg


Invoice Notes Field

The Notes field can be used to make internal notes pertaining to the invoice or bidder. These notes will not appear on the bidder's copy of the invoice, regardless of whether it is printed or emailed. Text entered into the Notes field will appear in the Auction/Invoice Notes field under the applicable bidder on the bidder check-in page. Subsequently, any text entered into the Auction/Invoice Notes field on the bidder check-in page, will appear in the Notes field on the invoice.


The information from the Notes field will also appear in the Notes column of the Checkout Summary Report and the Invoices page (Accounting > Invoices), if the column is enabled.

To enable the column, click the Columns button on the right side of the Invoices page and click on the Notes column header. InvoicePageColumns.PNG


For more information on managing the Invoices page, see Invoices Page.



Error When Attempting to View/Access Invoice

When clicking on an invoice an error may appear stating "Data Too Long For Column LotName at Row 1".


This error, or ones similar, may be due to the invoice having a Fee on it with too many characters in the description, or Lot on it with too many characters in either the title or description. The character limits (including spaces) for those fields are as follows:

  • Lot Title/Name: 100 characters
  • Lot Description: 8,000 characters
  • Fee Description: 255 characters

To correct the issue, navigate to Lot Builder and then edit the lot's title/name or description as needed. For fees, scroll down to the Fees tab in Lot Builder and edit the description of the fee that is tied to the lot. The Invoices page may need to be refreshed before the changes impact the invoice.



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