
Invoice Settings

This article describes the impact that each of the various Invoice Settings will have on an auction's Invoices. Invoice Settings can be set and saved to create Invoice Templates, which can be applied at a Company Level or Auction Level.

For information relating to the Notes field on the invoice, see Invoices. To add a bidder's shipping address to the invoice, see Invoice Shipping Address.

Please note that Wavebid does not currently offer pro forma invoices, though users may be able to Form Builder to generate a document serving the same purpose.

This article contains the following sections:


Company Level vs. Auction Level

Invoice Settings are set and saved to create Invoice Templates, which can be applied at a Company Level or Auction Level. Invoice Templates selected at the Company Level will be applied to all auctions, unless a different Invoice Template is chosen at the Auction Level. Changes made to an Invoice Template at the Auction Level will not flow back to the Company Level, meaning they will only impact that specific event. Auction Level Invoice Templates will override Company Level Invoice Templates.


To access Company Level Invoice Settings, navigate to My Links > Company > Accounting Settings > Invoice Settings. Click on the Invoice Template name to edit. Once changes are made, click the Disk icon in the top right corner to Save. Changes made to Company Level Invoice Templates will only affect auctions created after changes are made. Existing auctions will remain unchanged unless changes are made to Invoice Templates at the auction level.


To access Auction Level Invoice Settings, navigate to the appropriate auction from the Dashboard and select Auction > Edit Settings. Then click on the Invoices tab. Once changes are made, click the Disk icon in the top right corner to Save. Changes made to Invoice Settings at the auction level will not flow back to the company level, meaning they will only impact that specific event. Changes will impact any unpaid invoices related to that auction. Invoices that have a full or partial payment applied will not be impacted. Payments must be removed from an invoices before edits can be made. For more information, see Payments.


At the Company Level, the various Invoice Settings tabs run horizontally, while they run vertically at the Auction Level. The settings within each tab are the same at each level and are listed below.


Options Tab

These settings control a set of overall settings for the invoices for the auction. 


  • Show entire item description on invoices: Checking this box results in the entire Lot Description displaying on the invoice. If this box is not checked, the description will be cut off if it is too long.
  • Show lot title (not description) on invoices: Checking this box results in the Lot Title displaying on the invoice rather than the Lot Description.
  • Display the location in the description on invoices: Checking this box will result in any text entered into the Location field in Lot Builder appearing below the description on the invoice. The Location field must be enabled in Auction Settings before text can be entered.
  • Show title information on invoices: Checking this box will result in the vehicle's VIN number and any Title Notes entered under the Title tab in Lot Builder to appear on the invoice. For more information, see Managing Vehicle Titles.
  • Hide unpaid watermark on invoices: Checking this box will remove the "UNPAID" text watermark  from unpaid and partially paid invoices. 
  • Show the payment date, time, and clerk name on the invoice: Checking this box will result in payments appearing on the invoice along with the username of the clerk who entered the payment through the Payments tab in Wavebid and the date/time the payment was entered.
  • Show the tax/tax exempt ID on invoices: Checking this box will include the bidder's tax ID (entered upon check-in) on the invoice between their Email Address and Billing Address.
  • Number of copies when printing invoices: This is the number of copies of each invoice that will be printed when printing invoices through Wavebid. The default is one.
  • Include when printing all invoices: Check this box to have this template included when printing all invoices. If this box is checked for multiple templates, all of those templates will print when printing all invoices.
  • Default address for invoices and seller settlements: This address will appear under the company logo/image in the top left corner of the invoice. If an address is not entered, Wavebid will use the address listed under the Company Profile. It is not necessary to enter the company name in this field, as the invoice pulls the company name from the Company Profile. Entering the company name in this field will result in it appearing twice on the invoice.
  • Hide inventory numbers on invoice: Checking this box will make it so lot Inventory Numbers do not appear on the invoice. If this box is not checked, the Inventory Number will appear directly below the Lot Number on the invoice.
  • Show separate buyers premium tax: Checking this box will result in the Buyer's Premium tax displaying separately from the Sales Tax on the invoice. If this box is not checked, the taxes for both will appear under one column labeled "Tax".
  • Hide the totals section on an invoice: Checking this box will remove the Sub-Total and Total Due information from the bottom of the invoice.


Header Tab

Text entered into the Default Invoice Header for new auctions field will appear as a custom plain text message at the top of the printed invoice. It will not appear when viewing the invoice on a browser. 

Text entered into the Default Invoice Intro for new auctions field will appear as a custom plain text message above the Buyer and Auction Information on the invoice. 





Details Tab

Alterations in this section are not recommend without first reaching out to Wavebid support. InvoiceDetailsTab.PNG


Summary Tab

Alterations in this section are not recommend without first reaching out to Wavebid support.InvoiceSummaryTab.PNG


Payment Tab

Fields with an Eye icon to their left will be visible when applying payments during the Payment process. To remove a field from visibility, click the Eye icon. They Eye will now have a Slash through it, meaning that it will no longer be visible. Click the Eye again to make it visible. InvoiceSettingPaymentsTabVisibility.PNG

To rearrange the order in which the fields appear, click and hold on the Arrows icon to the right of the field and drag and drop into the new order.

The Pencil icon can be used to edit the fields themselves. However, alterations to those fields are not recommend without first reaching out to Wavebid support.


Footer Tab

Text entered into the Default Invoice Footer for new auctions field will appear as a custom text message at the bottom of the printed invoice. It will not appear when viewing the invoice on a browser.
Text entered into the Default Invoice Ending for new auctions field will appear as a custom text message when the invoice is fully unpaid or has a partial Cash payment.
Text entered into the Default Invoice Ending Credit Transactions for new auctions field will appear as a custom text message when the invoice is fully unpaid or has a partial Credit payment.
Text entered into the Default Picklist Ending for new auctions field will appear as a custom test message toward the bottom of Picklists. For more information on Pick-lists, see Using a Pick-List for Checkout.
Text entered into the Default Invoice Ending Cash Transactions (PAID) field will appear as a custom text message when the invoice is has been fully paid in Cash or when the highest amount from multiple payments on a single invoice is Cash.
Text entered into the Default Invoice Ending Credit Transactions (PAID) field will appear as a custom text message when the invoice is has been fully paid in Credit or when the highest amount from multiple payments on a single invoice is Credit.         
All of the Invoice Ending options listed above will appear in the same place on the invoice. Which Invoice Ending appears is based on the status of the invoice and/or payment type.

Other Tab

Text entered into the Printed Invoice Label field will appear as a custom text message above the bidder paddle number and invoice number. If a Printed Invoice Color is not chosen, this text will appear black.

Click on the Printed Invoice Color box to select a background color for the company information that appears in the top left corner of the invoice. This will also be the color of the Printed Invoice Label text. InvoiceColorSelector.PNG



Colors can be selected in 3 ways:

  1. Drag the color selector to the left or right and then click on a color in the color scale panel.
  2. Click on the Dropper icon and hover over any color on the screen. Click to select.
  3. Type the color data into the RGB fields. Click the Arrows icon to the right of the RGB fields to enter the HSL or HEX data for the color instead. Click the Enter key to select.

Once selected, the chosen color will appear in the Printed Invoice color box.

While the labels for the fields listed above are described as "Printed", changes made to these fields will also impact emailed invoices.


Company Logo

The image that appears in the top left corner of the invoice is pulled from the Company Profile and cannot be altered at the auction level. To change the image as it appears on the invoice, it must be edited in the Company Profile. The size and placement of the image as it appears on the invoice cannot be changed.


Invoice Number

Automatically Edit Invoice Number

Wavebid's default invoice numbering system is the bidder number (paddle number) followed by the event number (workspace ID) followed by the number 1 (unless the bidder has multiple invoices in the same event). For example, 5005-207744-1.


To use a different invoice numbering system, navigate to the event from the Dashboard, then select Auction > Edit Settings, and then click on the Invoices tab. The Starting Invoice Number field can be used to enter a different invoice numbering sequence. Wavebid will then automatically issue invoices with the next digit in that sequence (invoices are generated as lots are clerked). For example, if 1000 is entered, the first invoice generated will be 1000, the second invoice generated will be 1001, and so forth. Click the Disk icon in the top right corner of the page to save the changes. Making this change will only impact invoices that have not already been generated. Invoices that have already been generated will need to manually changed.

Please note, this feature cannot be used when importing post sale data, either manually or from a bidding platform. This feature can only be used when clerking a sale directly in Wavebid.




Manually Edit Invoice Number

To manually override the invoice number on an individual invoice, open the invoice and then click the Pencil icon to the left of the invoice number. A pop-up window will open. Enter the desired invoice number into the field and click the OK button. The invoice number will immediately change on the invoice. The invoice number can be manually edited even if a payment has already been applied to the invoice.





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