
Multi-Day/Multi-Ring Events

This article describes the Multi-Day/Multi-Ring feature in Wavebid, including how to setup and catalog events as well as the feature's impact on exporting, clerking, reporting, etc.

The Multi-Day/Multi-Ring feature is currently only available if the Auction Software is set to Proxibid, BidSpotter, or Universal. Other Auction Software types will need to use an alternative process for multi-day events.

Important: If lots need to be moved from one day/ring to another after the event has gone online, the lots must be moved in Proxibid or BidSpotter directly and then moved in Wavebid.

Quick Tips

  • If lots need to be moved from one day/ring to another after the event has gone online, the lots must be moved in Proxibid or BidSpotter directly and then moved in Wavebid. Failure to update both manually will result in the loss of pre-bids made on those lots and/or in the lots being deleted.
  • Lots can be created without assigning them to a Day/Ring. The Day/Ring can be added to lots later in bulk using Lot Bulk Actions.
  • Use the Auction Preview to see which lots have not been assigned a Day/Ring.
  • Whether or not a bidder has one invoice or two for multi-day events depends on when payments are applied. See the Invoices section for more information.

This article contains the following sections:


The Multi-Day/Multi-Ring feature was created to improve the user experience for auction companies running events across multiple days/rings. This feature will allow users to create one Wavebid event and easily separate lots within that one event by Day/Ring, resulting in one set of registered bidders, invoices, seller settlements, and reports. 

The Multi-Day/Multi-Ring feature is not currently available for use in Wavebid Mobile. Lots cataloged on Wavebid Mobile can be assigned to a Day/Ring later using Lot Bulk Actions.

Please note, if lots need to be moved from one day/ring to another after the event has started, the move should be made in Proxibid or BidSpotter directly and then in Wavebid. Moving the lots in Wavebid and then re-exporting without first moving the lots in the online bidding platform will remove any pre-bids made on those lots.


Event Setup

The Multi-Day/Multi-Ring feature is currently only available if the Auction Software is set to Proxibid, BidSpotter, or Universal. Other Auction Software types will need to use an alternative process for multi-day events.

  1. Select either Proxibid, BidSpotter (GAP), or Universal from the Auction Software. A new Type of Catalog drop-down will appear below.                                                                                                                            Setup1.jpg
  2. Select either Multi-Day or Multi-Ring from the Type of Catalog drop-down. The only difference the two is the verbiage displayed when cataloging: "Day" vs. "Ring".
    • Default will be Single.
    • Selecting Proxibid from the Auction Software drop-down will now disable the Proxibid Auto Export Auction attribute. This option is not available when using the Multi-Day/Multi-Ring feature.                                                                                                                                                                      PXBAttributes.jpg
  3. A Ring Name field or Day Name will appear at the bottom of the page. Enter the Ring/Day Name and the associated Proxibid Auction ID.                                                                                                                    Setup2.jpg
    • The Ring/Day Name can be alpha-numeric and can include spaces, dashes, underscores, and commas. No other special characters may be used. 
    • If the same Proxibid Auction ID is entered into more than one Day/Ring, Wavebid will export all of those Days/Rings to the same Proxibid workspace.
    • Only one Proxibid Auction ID can be entered per Day/Ring. 
    • Ideally, the impacted auction events in Proxibid should be linked so that bidders are auto-registered for all Days/Rings and only have one paddle number.
  4. Click the Plus icon to add more Days/Rings. Up to 25 Days/Rings can be added.                                                Setup3.jpg
    • Click the Trashcan icon to the right of a Day/Ring to delete it. The Day/Ring cannot be deleted if lots are already assigned to it. The lots will need to be deleted or moved to a different Day/Ring before the Day/Ring can be deleted.                                                                                                              Setup4.jpg
  5. Click the Disc icon in the top right corner of the page to Save the Days/Rings. For more information on creating a new events, see Create an Auction.

Additional Days/Rings can be added at any time. A Day/Ring will need to be created before lots can be added to it.

Lots can be created without assigning them to a Day/Ring.



Lot Builder

From Lot Builder, a Day/Ring drop-down will appear to the right of the Lot Name. This drop-down can be used to assign the lot to a Day/Ring. The names of the Days/Rings that were entered on the Edit Settings page are what will appear in the drop-down.

  • This field is not required.
  • If the Day/Ring is not currently known, the lot can be assigned to a Day/Ring at a later time.


For more information on creating lots, see Lot Builder.

Please note, if lots need to be moved from one day/ring to another after the event has started, it is suggested that the move be made in Proxibid or BidSpotter directly. Moving the lots in Wavebid and then re-exporting will remove any pre-bids made on those lots.


Catalog Importing

When importing a catalog, the .CSV should contain a Day/Ring Name column. In the Day/Ring Name column, the name of the Day/Ring must match exactly with what has been entered on the Edit Settings page- including capitalization and spacing.

For example, if the name of the day on the Edit Settings page is "Spring Auction Day 1", it cannot be listed on the catalog spreadsheet as "Spring Auction Day1" or "Spring Auction day 1".


If the names do not match exactly, the lot (with all the lot details) will still be created, but it will not be assigned to a Day/Ring. A message will appear advising the user: "Day/Ring name does not exist for this auction". At that point, a Day/Ring could be assigned to the lot manually using Lot Builder or Lot Bulk Actions.

When importing the catalog page, the column should be mapped to the Day/Ring Name


Any Custom mappings have been added to the Existing Mappings drop-down will need to be manually updated to reflect the Day/Ring Name column. 


For more information about importing, see Importing Catalogs.


Catalog Exporting

When exporting a Multi-Day/Multi-Ring event, the Lot Options menu on the left side of the page will now display as Ring Options or Day Options, depending on the selection made on the Edit Settings page. Use the radio buttons to export a specific Day/Ring or all Days/Rings.

Please note, if lots need to be moved from one day/ring to another after the event has started, it is suggested that the move be made in Proxibid or BidSpotter directly. Moving the lots in Wavebid and then re-exporting will remove any pre-bids made on those lots.


If a selected Day/Ring does not contain any lots, the Export Auction button will be grayed out and an error will occur.

  • For example, if there are 3 rings and Ring 2 does not contain lots, Ring 2 cannot be exported. The 'All Rings' option also cannot be used, as that would contain Ring 2. Ring 1 and Ring 3, however, could be exported separately. 

Existing lots that have not been assigned to a Day/Ring will not be exported.

Additional Cataloging

Auction Preview

From the Auction Preview page, the Day or Ring column can be made visible by clicking the Columns button. The default is for the column to appear.


Clicking in the Day/Ring column to the right of a lot number will result in a drop-down that can be used to assign the lot to a Day/Ring. 


Schedule A

From the seller's Schedule A tab, a Day/Ring drop-down will appear that can be used to assign a lot to a Day/Ring. 


For more information about sellers, see Seller Check-In.

Lot Bulk Actions

From the Lot Bulk Actions page, the Day or Ring column can be made visible by clicking the Columns button. 


The Day/Ring can be edited in bulk using the same steps as other fields by selecting the Day/Ring from the drop-down in the pop-up.

Moving Lots

Lots can be moved between days/rings using Lot Bulk Actions.

If lots need to be moved from one day/ring to another after the event has gone online, the lots must be moved in Proxibid or BidSpotter directly and then moved in Wavebid. Moving the lots in Wavebid and  re-exporting without first moving them in the online bidding platform will remove any pre-bids made on those lots and can result in the lots being deleted.


For more information about bulk edits, see Lot Bulk Actions.

Sequencing Lots

The Sequence Lots page will show Day/Ring Sequence column and will list the lot's order within each Day/Ring.


Moving lots changes the sequence of the lots within the Day/Ring, but will not move the lot to a different Day/Ring.

For more information about re-sequencing lots, see Edit Lot Sequencing



When clerking, the Auto Advance drop-down will contain each Day/Ring in addition to the Cataloged and On The Fly options.


When a Day/Ring is selected from the Auto Advance drop-down, Wavebid will only auto-advance to lots within that Day/Ring.

  • Users can switch between the Days/Rings at any time while clerking.
  • If Auto Advance is set to Cataloged, Wavebid will move through all of the lots in order regardless of their assigned Day/Ring.
  • Clerking a lot on the fly from a different Day/Ring than the one selected will not change the Day/Ring that lot is assigned to. For example, if Day 1 is selected from the Auto Advance drop-down and a lot from Day 2 is clerked on the fly, the lot will still be assigned to Day 2.
  • Clerking a lot on the fly from a different Day/Ring than the one selected will not change the Day/Ring selected from the Auto Advance drop-down. For example, if Day 1 is selected from the Auto Advance drop-down and a lot from Day 2 is clerked on the fly, Wavebid will continue to auto-advance lots from Day 1.


If the Day Required or Ring Required box is checked, a lot will not appear during auto-advance clerking unless it has been assigned to a Day/Ring.


If the Ring Default to Previous or Day Default to Previous box is checked, a lot with no Day/Ring assigned will appear during auto-advance but will default to being placed in the same Day/Ring as the previously clerked lot. This will not impact lots newly created on the fly.


On the Clerking page, clicking the Pencil icon to the left of the lot will open the lot for editing. A Ring/Day drop-down will appear to the right of the Title/Description field that can be used to assign the Day/Ring. This field is not required.


For more clerking information, see Clerking.


Post Auction

Importing Sale Data/Buyers

When Auto-Importing sale/buyer data, select to either import each individual Day/Ring separately or all Days/Rings together. 


For more information on auto-importing from Proxibid, see Proxibid Integration.

For more information on auto-importing from BidSpotter, see BidSpotter Integration.



The Multi-Day/Multi-Ring feature has no impact on invoices.

If an invoice is paid in full on Day 1 of a multi-day event, and then additional lots are clerked to the same paddle number on Day 2, a second invoice will be generated for the lots purchased on Day 2. The bidder will have 2 invoices for the event. 

If no payment is applied on Day 1 (or a partial payment is applied), and then additional lots are clerked to the same paddle number on Day 2, the bidder will just have one invoice for the event. If separate invoices for each day are desired, the Day 2 lots can be moved to a separate invoice.

For more information on moving lots to a new invoice, see Invoices.


Seller Settlements

The Day or Ring column can be made visible on the Seller Settlements by clicking the Columns button.

Sellers will continue to have one Seller Settlement per event.


For more information on Seller Settlements, see Seller Settlements.



The Day or Ring column can be made visible by clicking the Columns button on the Absentee Bids report, Unsold Lots List, Priced Inventory Sheet, and the Clerking History. 

For more information about these reports, see Reports and Lists.


A new Day/Ring Summary report has been created and added to the list of Accounting Reports.


The Day/Ring Summary will be available only for clients who have Multi-Day/Multi-Ring enabled.



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