
User Accounts and Permissions

Wavebid allows companies to grant different levels of access to their employees and associates. This article describes the difference between Admin and User Roles, the process for creating a new user account, and how to select user permissions (authorities).

For information on resetting a user's password, see Wavebid Basics.

Quick Tips

  • If a user cannot see an auction on the Dashboard, it is likely the event has been restricted.
  • Users who are inactive or are no longer with the auction company should be disabled or deleted as soon as possible, to avoid security breaches. If there is any chance the user may have been aware of the passwords to any other Wavebid user accounts, those passwords should be reset right away.
  • Individuals assigned to the 'Company Admin Role' must also be assigned to the 'Use Role'. Assigning the 'Admin Role' without the 'User role' can create access issues.

This article contains the following sections:


Admin Role vs. User Role

There are several differences between the capabilities of a company Admin Role and a standard User Role in Wavebid. The first role account created for a company will always be the primary Admin. Most companies will choose a select few Admins, but have many Users. To ensure employees have the appropriate capabilities and restrictions, understanding the difference between the two roles is imperative. Once a user is assigned a role, additional permissions may be turned on or off to customize the user's access.


Admin Role Abilities

The Admin role is called "ROLE_COMPANY_ADMIN". Granting this role is a quick way to give users access to everything within the company on Wavebid. This should be reserved for the most trusted users. Admin Roles users have the authority to do the following:

Please note that any individual assigned to the 'Company Admin Role' must also be assigned to the 'Use Role'. Assigning the Admin Role without the User role can create access issues.


User Role Abilities

The default User role is called "ROLE_USER". Users with this role designation have the basic authority to do the following: 

While basic features for default Users is limited, additional permissions can be granted to individual Users by any Admin. 


Franchise Role Abilities

Wavebid franchises allow multiple Wavebid company accounts to interact across selected company employees. Setting up franchises allows users to access multiple Wavebid company accounts. 

The Franchise Role is only available to users at companies with multiple Wavebid accounts. A "ROLE_FRANCHISE" user has the ability to access any Wavebid accounts for a company. To request more information on franchising, contact a Wavebid Administrator.


Edit Role Designation

To change the role designation on an account from Admin to User, or from User to Admin:

  1. Navigate to My Links > User > Authorities
  2. Begin typing the user's name into the User field and select the user's name from the Search Results list. EditUserSearchField.PNG 
  3. To add a role, click on a Role from the Available Roles list on the left side of the page and click the Add button. The Role will move to the Assigned Roles list and will be assigned to the user.
    • Please note that any individual assigned to the 'Company Admin Role' must also be assigned to the 'Use Role'. Assigning the Admin Role without the User role can create access issues. AssignRoles.PNG           
  4. To remove a role, click on a Role from the Assigned Roles list on the right side of the page and click the Remove button. The Role will move to the Available Roles list and will be removed from the user.
  5. Click the Save button in the top right corner of the page. If the impacted user is currently logged in, they will need to log out and then log back in to see the changes.


Create or Edit Users

Wavebid allows companies to have an unlimited number of users for no extra fees, and there is no limit on how many users can be logged in to a company's Wavebid account simultaneously. However, there cannot be more than one user logged into the same user account at the same time.

Please note, only users with an Admin Role can create new user accounts.

To create a new user:

  1. Navigate to My Links > User > Profile.

  2. For new users, enter their information in the various fields.
    • To edit an existing user, select them from the User drop-down.
    • Fields with an asterisk (*) are required.mceclip0.png
    • Username: This can be anything as long as it has not already been taken by another user across Wavebid. Some company administrators choose their email address to be their team member's username.
    • Password: Must be at least eight characters long, contain at least one uppercase character, one lowercase character, and one number digit. For information on resetting a user's password, see Wavebid Basics.
    • Email: The email address must be valid to ensure it can receive password reset and alert emails from Wavebid. Multiple users can have the same email address associated with their user accounts.
    • Locale: Determines the date formatting, currency, and tax or VAT the user sees. The default is English- US for standard United States companies. For information on creating international users, see International Wavebid Features.
  3. Click the Save button in the top right corner of the page.

Once a user has been created, additional permissions can be granted to expand or restrict what the user is allowed to do. 

Delete a User

To delete a user:

  1. Navigate to My Links > User > Profile.
  2. Begin typing the user's name or username into the User field. Click on the user's name from the Search Results list that appears.
  3. Click the Delete button in the top right corner of the page. A pop-up window will appear.
  4. Click the Ok button to delete the user.

Deleted user accounts cannot be re-enabled and cannot be retrieved. 


User Authorities

Authorities (permissions) control what a user is allowed to do in Wavebid. Authorities can be used to limit or enhance particular accounts according to a user's role or position within a company. By default, when a new user is created, all of their authorities are set to "inherited." This means they inherit the authorities/permissions that Wavebid has set for the overall company account. 

Please note, only users with an Admin Role have the ability to alter user authorities.

To view/change user authorities:

  1. Navigate to My Links > User > Authorities.
  2. Begin typing the user's name or username into the User field. Click on the user's name from the Search Results list that appears. EditUserSearchField.PNG
  3. Click on the Checkmark to the right of the permission to allow. Click on the X to the right of the permission to disallow.
    • Items that have the i icon (Inherit) on the right side have inherited those permissions based on the default, company-wide setting.
    • Access to clerking is granted/removed via the Is the user allowed to work with Accounting section of the site permission.
    • The current status of the permission will appear in the Actual State column on the right side of the page.UserPermission.PNG
  4. Click the Save button in the top right corner of the page. If the impacted user is currently logged in, they will need to log out and then log back in to see the changes. 


Disable a User

To have a user disabled in Wavebid, please send an email to and provide the name of the auction company and the user's first name and last name. Disabling a user will keep their information in Wavebid, but will prevent them from logging into that account.

Disabling a user will not impact any events the user is associated with. If the user was the coordinator listed on an event, the event will no longer have a coordinator. A new coordinator can be selected, if needed.

To re-enable a disabled user, please send an email to


Former Employees

Wavebid highly recommends disabling or deleting users who are inactive or are no longer with the auction company as soon as possible, to avoid security breaches. If there is any chance the user may have been aware of the passwords to any other Wavebid user accounts, those passwords should be reset right away.

Any suspected security breaches should be reported to Wavebid immediately.



Users Can't See Auctions

If a user is logged in but is unable to see certain auctions on the Dashboard, the auctions are likely restricted. For more information, see Why Can't I See Auctions on the Dashboard?

403 Error When Attempting to Edit Bidder Information on Invoices

This error has likely occurred because the individual has been granted Admin access but not User access. Individuals who have been assigned the 'Admin Role' must also be assigned the 'User Role'. To correct the issue, assign both roles to the individual. The user should then log out and log back in to see the changes. 




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