
Lot Builder

Lot Builder is Wavebid's powerful lot editing and management tool that tracks multitudes of information about lots or inventory. This article describes the process for creating and managing lots using Lot Builder. For information on changing lot details in bulk, see Lot Bulk Actions.

This article contains the following sections:

Creating Lots

  1. Navigate to the appropriate auction on the Dashboard and then selecting Catalogs > Lot Builder.
    • A lite version of Lot Builder can also be accessed via Wavebid Mobile.
  2. Enter a lot number into the Lot Number field. This is a required field.
    • This field accepts letters and numbers up to 10 characters. Lot numbers cannot contain spaces. Lot numbers can contain commas, but they may not be recognized/accepted by an online bidding platform.
  3. Complete any remaining fields as needed.LotBuilder1.jpg
    • Lot Name/Title: Enter a lot name or title. This field has a 100-character limit. This field is not HTML optimized so characters in this field cannot be bolded, italicized, etc.
    • Company Category: If desired, select a company category from the drop-down menu. Please note that company categories will not be accepted by any of Wavebid's partner platforms. Options in this drop-down are those entered under My Links > Company > Cataloging Settings > Company Categories.
    • Category: For information on selecting categories and using metadata, see Categories and Metadata.
    • Description: Enter text to describe the lot. This field is fully HTML optimized so text can be bolded, sizing can be changed, and paragraphs can be formatted, etc. Hyperlinks can also be pasted into this field. For more information, see Add Hyperlinks to Lots.
      • The limit for exporting this field is 8,000 characters (including html characters)
      • To learn how category choices can be used to automatically populate the Description field, see Categories and Metadata. To learn how to automatically populate this field with VIN or UPC information, see UPC and VIN Lookup.
      • To auto-populate frequently used texts into the Description field, see Creating Lot Builder Templates.
    • Additional Description: Any additional description information can be entered into this field.  This field has the same functions and capabilities as the Description field and will appear below the description information when exported.
  4. Click the Disk icon in the top right corner of the page to Save the lot.
    • Clicking the Plus icon in the top right corner will save the current lot and advance to the next lot number.
    • Clicking the Minus icon in the top right corner will save the current lot and move back to the previous lot number.                                                                                                                                                                                        LotBuilderSaveOptions.JPG

Additional Fields

Additional fields can be added to the Lot Builder page in three ways: 

  1. Enabling additional Auction Attributes.
  2. Creating Custom Fields.
  3. Selecting a category will enable fields (metadata) specific to that category.
    • The data entered in these fields will appear in the Lot Description.                                                                   

Lot Quantity

Wavebid defaults to multiplying the quantity by the selling price (Times the Quantity). For example, if the Quantity on a lot is 10, and the selling price is $10, the bidder will be charged $100.


Wavebid does have the option to charge one price for the lot, regardless of quantity. However, the auction's settings will need to be updated before the system will allow for that change.

  1. To update the auction's settings, navigate to the appropriate auction from the Dashboard and select Auction > Edit Settings.
  2. Under the Auction Attributes tab (or Advanced Auction Attributes tab, if enabled) check the Include option to list quantity per lot? box. AuctionSettingQuantity.PNG
  3. Click the Disk icon in the top right corner of the page to Save.

Once this feature has been enabled, Sale Type drop-down should be visible under the Lot Details tab in Lot Builder.  LotBuilderSaleType.PNG

  • Selecting Times the Quantity will multiply the selling price by the Quantity entered.
  • Selecting One Price will sell the entire lot for the selling price, regardless of the Quantity entered.

Please note that Wavebid does allow for alterations to be made to lot quantities during the Clerking process. For more information, see the Clerking with Quantities section of the Clerking article.


UPC and VIN Lookup

UPC Lookup: Automatically populate UPC information by clicking the UPC Lookup button in the top right. Scan (or type in) the UPC code and click the Ok button. The information stored in the UPC code will be automatically populated into the Description field.                                                                                                                                                             LotBuilderUPCLookup.JPG

VIN Lookup: Automatically populate VIN information by clicking the VIN Lookup button in the top right. Enter the VIN number into the Enter VIN # field and click the Search VIN button. The vehicle's information will be populated into the Description field. VIN information is pulled from the DMV. For more information, see Managing Vehicle Titles.                                                                                                                                                                         LotBuilderVINLookup.JPG

Adding Attachments to Lots

PDF's can be attached to the lot by clicking the applicable Plus icon to the right of the Category field. A pop-up window will open. Click the I'm Sure button to continue. For PDF's, select the file(s) to be uploaded and then click the Save button. The total will be updated as PDF's are added. Clicking the Trashcan icon will delete all of the attached PDF's.

Please note that while PDF's attached here will be exported to marketing partners, the Wavebid Plugin, and Proxibid, they will may not be exported with the catalog to any other bidding platforms. The name/title of the PDF is what will display with the lot. 


For information on attaching videos to lots, see Add Videos to Lots.

For information on adding hyperlinks to lots, see Add Hyperlinks to Lots.


Managing Lots

This section contains information on previewing lots, navigating between lots, and deleting lots. For information on editing the sequence of lots within an auction, see Edit Lot Sequencing. For information on moving lots to a different auction, see Move/Copy Lots to Another Auction. For information on changing lot details in bulk, see Lot Bulk Actions.


Previewing Lots

To preview a lot, select Preview Lot from the Go To Page drop-down menu at the top of the lot.                                                                                LotBuilderLotPreview.JPG

Click the Next Lot button to preview the next lot in sequence. Click the Previous Lot button to view the previous lot in sequence. Click the Edit Lot button to return to Lot Builder.                                                                                         LotBuilderLotPreviewOptions.JPG

Lots can be previewed in bulk via the Auction Preview.


Lot Actions

The Lot Actions drop-down menu is located in the top left corner of the Lot Builder page.


  • Select Create New Lot to create a new lot. Changes to the current lot must be saved prior to selecting or they will be lost.
  • Select Delete Lot to delete the current lot. A new window will open. Click the I'm Sure button to confirm. Deleted lots cannot be retrieved.
  • Select Save to save the current lot.
  • Select Save & Preview Auction to save the current lot and preview the auction. Click the browser's back button to return to the Lot Builder page.
  • Select Save & New Lot to save the current lot and stat a new lot.
  • Select Save & Edit Lot - 1 to save the current lot and move back to the previous lot number. If the previous lot in the number sequence does not already exist, it will be created. For example, if lots 1-80 were created followed by lot 100, selecting Save & Edit Lot - 1 will save lot 100 and create and return to lot 99.
  • Select Save & Edit Lot + 1 to save the current lot and advance to the next lot number. If the next lot in the number sequence does not already exist, it will be created. For example, if lots 1-9 have already been created, selecting Save & Edit Lot + 1 will save lot 9 and create and advance to lot 10.

Lot Navigation

The Go to Lot drop-down menu is located in the top left corner of the Lot Builder page.


  • Select a lot number from the Go to lot drop-down menu to jump to a specific lot.
  • Select Gallery to jump to the auction's Gallery Lot.
    • Gallery Lots can be exported via the Wavebid Plugin, but will not be exported to any bidding platforms.

In the top right corner of Lot Builder, click the Right or Left Arrow icons to move to the next lot or previous lot in sequence



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