Coming Soon!
This article describes the processes for creating auctions and lots via the upcoming Wavebid Item Capture app. For information regarding Wavebid's current app, see Wavebid Mobile.
This article contains the following sections:
- App Basics
- Mobile Dashboard
- Creating an Auction
- Creating and Managing Lots
- Taking and Uploading Photos
- Managing Lot Builder Fields
- Troubleshooting
App Basics
This app will be available Spring 2025.
Android users can download the app through the Google Play Store by searching for "Wavebid" and selecting the Wavebid Item Capture app.
The Wavebid Item Capture app can only be downloaded on Android devices with access to the Google Play Store.
For iOS (Apple) users, the app can be found in the Apple App Store by searching for "Wavebid " and selecting the Wavebid Item Capture app.
The minimum supported operating system versions are:
- Android: 6
- iOS: 15
*Wavebid highly recommends using the latest versions of both the Android and iOS operating systems.
Logging In
After the app has been installed on the device, log in using a Wavebid username and password. If two or more people are sharing the same user account, only one person may be logged in at a time- the first user will be kicked out. Wavebid does not recommend that users share accounts.
In order to store or access photos on a device, the Wavebid Item Capture app must be granted full access to photos. For either operating system, if the access is not initially granted, it will need to be changed in the device's settings so that full access is granted.
Steps on allowing photo/camera access on an Android device, click here.
Apple (iOS)
- Navigate to Settings and then Apps.
- Select the Wavebid Item Capture app.
- Select the Photos menu and select Full Access.
Mobile Dashboard
After logging into the Wavebid Item Capture app, users will be taken to the Mobile Dashboard.
- Click the Upcoming button to view all upcoming auctions.
- Click the Active button to view all active auctions.
- Click the Completed button to view all completed auctions from the last 90 days. Auctions older than 90 days cannot be accessed through the app, but can be accessed in the Auction Vault through the desktop version of Wavebid.
- Click the Inventory button to access Inventory information, if applicable.
Users with Appraisal Builder Pro must access appraisals through the desktop version of Wavebid.
To search for a particular auction, enter part of the auction's name in the Search field at the top of the Mobile Dashboard.
Creating an Auction
Users can create an auction workspace through the desktop version of Wavebid or through the new Wavebid Item Capture app. Auctions created through the app can be accessed through the desktop version and vice versa.
- Log into the Wavebid Item Capture app.
- While viewing the Mobile Dashboard, click on the Plus icon in the lower right corner of the page.
- Enter a name for the auction into the Name field.
- Click on the Start Date field to use the calendar pop-up to select a start date.
- If desired, click on the Update Photo link at the top of the page to upload a primary auction image.
- An image does not need to be uploaded during the auction creation process. An image can be uploaded or edited at a later time via the desktop version of Wavebid.
- Click the Create link in the top right corner of the page.
- Once created, the auction will now appear under either the Upcoming or Active tabs on the Mobile Dashboard.
- Once created, the auction will now appear under either the Upcoming or Active tabs on the Mobile Dashboard.
Editing an Auction
Once an auction workspace has been created, the details of the auction cannot be edited in the Wavebid Item Capture app. To make edits to the auction title, date, or main image, please make those edits on the desktop version of Wavebid.
Deleting an Auction
If an auction workspace needs to be deleted entirely, that will also need to be done via the desktop version.
Creating and Managing Lots
- Log into the Wavebid Item Capture app.
- Click on the appropriate auction from the Mobile Dashboard.
- Click on the + Add Lot button at the bottom of the page.
- Enter a lot number into the Lot Number field.
- This is the only field required to create a lot.
- This is the only field required to create a lot.
- Enter a title for the lot into the Name field (this field is optional).
- Click on the Plus icon (+) in the Images section to take or upload photos. See below for more details.
- Enter a description into the Description field (this field is optional).
- Click on the Category field and select a Primary Category from the resulting list (this field is optional).
- Subcategories cannot be selected through the app. Subcategories must be selected through the desktop version of Wavebid.
- Additional fields can be added to each lot by managing Lot Builder fields. See below for more details.
- The VIN Lookup tool is not available through the app. The VIN Lookup tool must be used through the desktop version of Wavebid.
- Click the Create link in the top right corner of the page.
- When the lot is saved, the user is returned to the auction workspace and a confirmation message appears at the top of the page. Continue these steps to create additional lots.
Sorting and Searching Lots
Once created, lots will appear in the auction workspace. Lots will default to appearing in order by ascending Lot Number. Click the Ascending/Descending button on the right side of the page to change the order in which the lots appear. If lots need to be re-numbered in bulk or re-sequenced, those changes will need to be made in the desktop version of Wavebid.
To search for a specific lot, enter the search parameters (ex. lot number, word used in the lot title or description) into the Search field at the top of the page.
To search for lots that are missing images, click the Missing Images button at the top of the page. The app will display a list of lots that do not contain any images.
Editing Lots
To edit an existing lot, click on the lot, make the desired edits, and then click on the Save button in the top right corner of the page.
Deleting Lots
Lots cannot be deleted through the app. To delete a lot, please access it through the desktop version of Wavebid.
Taking and Uploading Photos
The steps below can be used to upload a primary auction image or to upload images to a lot.
Please note, the Barcode System cannot be used when taking photos and uploading them directly within the Wavebid Item Capture app.
- From the Mobile Dashboard, select the applicable auction and then lot.
- Click on the Plus icon (+) in the Images section.
- The Camera app on the device will open. Take a photo or click on the Photo icon in the lower left corner of the page to select a photo from the device's library.
- After taking all the desired photos, click on the X in the top left corner of the page to return to the Images page.
- After taking all the desired photos, click on the X in the top left corner of the page to return to the Images page.
- The Images page will open while the image uploads. Click the Plus (+) icon on the Images page to add additional images.
Photos that have been submitted to Wavebid, but have not yet been uploaded to the server will appear in the Upload Queue. How quickly photos are uploaded will depend on the size of the photos and the strength and speed of the internet connection.
Uploading Photos While Offline
The Wavebid Item Capture app's Offline Mode allows users to catalog in areas with poor internet and cell service.
There is no need to turn Offline Mode on or off. The Wavebid Item Capture app will automatically enter Offline Mode when service is limited and exit Offline Mode when service resumes.
While the app is in Offline Mode, Lot Numbers can be entered and photos can be taken and/or selected for upload, but additional lot information (such as titles and descriptions) cannot be entered.
Editing Photos
The order in which the images appear in a lot cannot be changed through the app. Edits to images, such as cropping and rotating, cannot be done through the app. Edits to image or image order must be done through the desktop version of Wavebid.
Deleting Photos
- From the Mobile Dashboard, select the applicable auction and then lot.
- Click the View All link under the Images section.
- To delete a single image:
- Click on the image.
- Click on the Trashcan icon in the top right corner of the page.
- To delete multiple images at once:
- Click the Select link in the top right corner of the page.
- Select each photo to be deleted.
- Click the Delete link in the top right corner of the page.
- Click the Select link in the top right corner of the page.
- A pop-up message will appear. Click the Delete button to delete the images from the lot.
- If an image is deleted in error, the image will need to be re-uploaded from the device.
- If an image is deleted in error, the image will need to be re-uploaded from the device.
Managing Lot Builder Fields
Users can choose which fields will appear on each lot while cataloging. All lots will contain a field for Lot Number, Lot Title/Name, Lot Description, and Category but more fields can be added. However, Custom Lot Builder fields that appear in the desktop version of Lot Builder will not be accessible in the app.
- From the Mobile Dashboard, click the Menu icon in the top left corner of the screen and then select Lot Builder Settings.
- Click on field to add it to mobile Lot Builder.
- Click the Save link in the top right corner of the page.
- The selected fields will now appear on each lot while cataloging.
Please note, the VIN Lookup tool is not available through the app. The VIN Lookup tool must be used through the desktop version of Wavebid.
Users Can't See Auctions
If a user is logged in but is unable to see certain auctions on the Mobile Dashboard, the auctions are likely restricted. For more information, see Why Can't I See Auctions on the Dashboard?
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