
Navigating Wavebid

This article describes the general layout of the Wavebid site, including the Dashboard, and where to find an auction's Workspace ID. For information on logging into Wavebid, including resetting a password, see Wavebid Basics.

This article contains the following sections:


Wavebid Home Page


A company's view of Wavebid can possibly vary based on the plan/features they've signed up for. However, each user will have:

  • The My Dashboard main link on the top of the page. The Dashboard is used to access auction and inventory workspaces.
  • The options available through the My Links drop-down menu. The My Links menu is used to access company-level settings and tools.
  • The support options available through the Help drop-down menu.


My Dashboard

Wavebid's Dashboard is the main hub for auctions, inventory and activities. A company's Wavebid plan determines which tabs are visible on the Dashboard. 


  • Upcoming Tab: Auctions with future Start Dates.
  • Active Tab: Auctions with current Start Dates.
    • This tab will contain all auctions where the Start Date is the current date. Once the auction End Date is reached, the auction will move to the Completed tab. If an End Date is not set, the auction will automatically be moved at 23:59 on the Start Date.
  • Completed Tab: Auctions that have a Start Date within the last 90 calendar days.
  • Auction Vault Tab: After 90 days, completed auctions will automatically be moved from the Completed tab into the Auction Vault. Once here, they can be searched in a variety of ways:
    • Keyword: A keyword is any word that appears within any of the lot descriptions.
    • Auction: Select from the auctions that have been created so far.
    • Coordinator: Load auctions based on the Coordinator that managed the auction within Wavebid.
    • Date Range: Enter a Start Date and an End Date. Any auctions matching these parameters will be shown.
  • Inventory Tab: This will display the inventory workspaces that have been created under an account. Inventories are a useful way to catalog lots if there isn't immediately an auction to sell them in. The inventory is just a workspace that will hold the catalog information until it's ready to be moved to an auction. Visibility of this tab depends on the company's Wavebid plan. For more information, please contact a Wavebid Administrator.  
  • Appraisal Tab: Visibility of this tab depends on the company's Wavebid plan. For more information, please contact a Wavebid Administrator.  
  • Search Tab: Use keywords to find lots within any company workspace, whether they are auctions, inventories, or appraisals.

Auction events appear under the Upcoming, Active, or Completed tabs based on the date of the event. Events can be moved back and forth between these tabs by changing the event dates. Events function in the exact same way regardless of which tab they are under- the tabs simply help organize the events. Wavebid does not treat events under the Completed tab as "closed", so changes can still be made to those events as if they are "active".

Each tab defaults to display up to 10 events. To change the number of events displayed per page, select a value from the Show Entries drop-down in the top left corner of the tab.


To view additional pages, click the Next or Previous buttons located in the bottom right corner of the tab.


To search for an event under a specific tab, enter the name of the auction or the Auction ID (Workspace ID) into the Search field in the top right corner of the tab and then click the Search button. The search field will only search events located under the selected tab- it will not search all events.



Workspace Basics

Auction Workspaces

The Dashboard displays an overview of the auction:


  • Auction Name
  • City and State where the auction is being held
  • Name of the auction Coordinator
  • Start Date and End Date of the auction
  • Auction Site/Software (ex. Proxibid, BidSpotter, Universal)

For more information on any of the above auction details, see Auction Settings.


  • The number of photos uploaded to the event.
  • The number of lots with descriptions.
  • The number of PDFs and Videos uploaded to the event.
  • A countdown to the auction Start Date.
  • The date, time, and status of the last Auction Export.


  • Auction Menu for navigating to the Auction, Photo, Catalog, Marketing, and Accounting pages for the auction.
  • Quick icons to the right of the Auction Menu:
    • Clicking the Clock icon will immediately end the auction.
      • This button can also be used to remove a private auction from a website that is utilizing the Wavebid Plugin
    • The Padlock indicates whether the auction is currently locked or unlocked. No one, including company Admins or Wavebid Admins, can access locked events. If assistance is needed relating to a locked event, the event will need to be unlocked first.
    • Click the Person with Checkmark icon to immediately check-in all of the company's Permanent Sellers.
    • The Person with Padlock icon indicates that the auction is only visible to the auction's Coordinator and any company Admins. For more information, see Create an Auction.
  • The auction's Workspace ID is in the lower right corner (ex. #169252).

Inventory and Appraisal Workspaces


Inventory and Appraisal workspaces contain information similar to auction workspaces:

  • The Inventory/Appraisal name and location.
  • The Coordinator's name.
  • The number of lots with descriptions, the number of lots with photos, and the total number of lots. This information automatically updates as the inventory changes.  
  • Menu for navigating to the Inventory/Appraisal, Photo, Catalog, and Marketing settings for the workspace.
  • The Workspace ID is in the lower right corner.


Workspace IDs

When contacting Wavebid, one of the most useful pieces of information a company can provide is the Workspace ID of the auction, inventory, or appraisal they are currently working with. Providing this information to Wavebid Support right away will help them to assist faster and more efficiently. The Workspace ID can be found in multiple places:

  1. On the Dashboard, in the bottom right corner of each workspace section.DashboardWorkspaceIDs.PNG
  2. Within a workspace, in the top right corner of the page.

  3. On the Auction Settings page, in the bottom left corner of the Auction Attributes tab.


My Links

Wavebid allows users to establish company-wide settings and templates that will automatically populate newly created auctions. This saves time when creating new events and ensures consistency across events. Company level settings/templates are listed under the My Links menu located at the top of any Wavebid page.


Company Level vs. Auction Level

Most company level changes will not impact existing events. To updates existing events, changes will need to be made at the auction level.

Auction level settings/templates will only impact the selected auction and will not feed to any other events. Auction level settings are accessed by clicking on the right side of the event workspace.




The Help tab at the top of the page contains links to resources, help documents, and support options.



Selecting Support from the Help menu will open a pop-up window with a Search field and suggested help articles. Entering text into the Search field will display a list of applicable help articles. 

Clicking the Contact Us button will open a form that can be used to submit questions directly to Wavebid Support.


Enter a question or concern into the How can we help you? field. Be sure to include key information, such as workspace IDs, lot numbers, seller numbers, paddle numbers, dates, etc. Relative documents like PDF’s and photos can be attached to the form by clicking the Paperclip icon. Clicking the Send button will submit the form to Wavebid Support via email. Responses will come from


User Manual

Selecting User Manual from the Help menu will open a new window housing all the help articles relating to Wavebid. Browse the articles under each category or search by entering text into the Search field.


Clicking the Submit a request link in the top right corner will open a form that can be used to submit questions directly to Wavebid Support. Selecting a topic from the Enter instructions here drop-down will generate required text fields. Be sure to include key information, such as workspace IDs, lot numbers, seller numbers, paddle numbers, dates, etc. Clicking the Submit button will submit the form to Wavebid Support via email. Responses will come from



Release Notes

Selecting Release Notes from the Help menu opens a list of system updates that have been made to Wavebid.




Selecting Resources from the Help menu opens a list of additional support links.



Live Support

Live support is also provided via phone at 833-616-7370 M-F from 8:00AM - 8:00PM CT.


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