
Seller Check-In

This article describes the process for checking sellers into an auction, and creating and checking in Permanent Sellers. For information on importing sellers, see Importing Customer (Bidders and Sellers). For more seller information, see Seller Guide.

This article contains the following sections:


About Customer Profiles

Wavebid considers both bidders and sellers as customers, as they are both part of an auction company's clientele. Each customer has a profile that can contain their contact information, tax information, personal identification information, etc.

When searching for bidders or sellers during check-in, the user will be searching through all of the customers listed under the auction company's account.

When a new customer record (bidder or seller) is saved, Wavebid automatically checks the database for matching persons. If two customer records match, Wavebid will merge them into one record to avoid duplicates. For more information, see the 'Duplicate Customer Records' section under Managing Customers help article.


Customer Profile Fields

  • Scan Personal ID: Click this field and then use a mag strip or barcode reader to scan the customer's driver's license. The system will automatically read the available data into the system and use it to populate the Personal ID Number field (driver's license or state ID number) and the Personal ID Issuer field (State that issued the ID). Information can also be entered into these fields manually. For more information on scanning IDs, see ID Scanners.
    • Please note that ID data varies from state to state. Please try scanning at least a week prior to the auction event. If there is an issue, report it to Most new formats can be created in less than a week. 
  • Scan Credit Card: Click this field and then use a mag strip or chip reader to scan a customer's credit card. The system will automatically read the available data into the system. For more information, see Bidder Check-In.
  • Notes: Enter any notes about the customer.
  • Alert: Alerts appear as a pop-up window when a bidder registers for another auction. It also appears as a pop-up when the customer makes a payment.
    • Alerts do not appear when checking in a customer as a seller. Alerts will only appear when checking a customer into an event as a bidder.
  • Perm Bidder #: See Bidder Check-In.
  • Perm Seller #: Entering a number into this field will make the seller a Permanent Seller, meaning that they can be easily pulled from one auction to another.
    • While the Permanent Seller Number can be the same as the Seller Code, it does not have to be. 
    • Each Permanent Seller within a company must have their own unique Permanent Seller Number.
    • Wavebid will display the next available Seller Number as a suggestion, but any unused Seller Number can be entered here.
    • The seller number should not start with zero.
  • Tax #: Example, an EIN.
  • Tax Exempt: Checking the tax exempt box will automatically make the customer tax exempt for all auctions.
  • Account Type: There are three different Account Types in Wavebid.
    • Reserve Not Met: Reserve Not Met is a “number” used when an item failed to meet the seller's reserve. Any contract commissions for reserves will be automatically applied to the seller, and the price will not be included in any auction totals or in reports. For more information, see Reserves.
    • House Number: House Number is a number for use by the auction house if they get stuck with an item. Items assigned to a house number are not included in any totals and will not appear with a selling price on the seller settlement.
    • Auctioneer: Used for the auctioneer of the auction house.


Check-In a Seller

Sellers must be checked-in to each auction whether they already have a customer profile or not.

  1. Navigate to the appropriate auction on the Dashboard and then select Auction> Sellers.
  2. Type the first few letters of the seller's name into the Find Customer field and then click on the seller's name from the search results list. FindSellers.PNG
    • The seller's information will populate below.
    • Click the Edit link to the right of the seller's name and then proceed to step 4.     
  3. If the seller's name does not appear in the search results list, click the Plus icon in the top right corner of the page to create a new customer profile.
  4. Enter or edit the seller's contact information and other details as needed. 
    • The First Name, Billing Address and Email fields are required.
    • For more information regarding these fields, see the Customer Profile Fields section above. BidderInformation.PNG
  5. Enter the seller's code (seller umber) into the Seller Code field. The seller code cannot start with zero.
    • This field is required in order to check a seller into the auction.
    • The same seller code cannot be assigned to more than one seller. This includes Permanent Sellers.
    • Messaging will appear if the Seller Code entered is already in use.
    • For Permanent Sellers, the Seller Code can be the same as the Permanent Seller Number but it does not have to be.
    • Click the Add link to assign more than one Seller Code to the seller. Doing so will result in the seller receiving two Seller Settlements.
    • For information on assigning more than one commission rate to a seller, see Seller Commissions.                                           SellerCodeSection.PNG
  6. If there should be a limit to the amount of money charged to seller as expenses, enter that value into the Max Expense field. For more information, see Seller Expenses and Credits.
  7. If checks should be payable to a name that differs from the First and Last Name in the seller's profile, enter that name into the Check Payable To field.
    • This can be the name of a person or a company.
    • This field just serves as a note to whichever employee is processing seller payments.
  8. Click the Disk icon in the top right corner of the page to Save.

Once seller information has been saved, the tabs at the bottom of the Seller page will be accessible. See the sections below for more information about each of those tabs. SellerTabs.PNG

Commissions Tab

For information on entering commission details, see Seller Commissions. Once commission information has been entered, click the Disk icon in the top right corner of the page to Save.


Contract Review Tab

Select a Contract Template from the drop-down menu. If no changes need to be made, click the Disk icon in the top right corner of the page to Save.

If changes need to be made, click the Edit button and make the necessary changes to the contract. Once the changes have been made, click the Save button to the right.

To print the contract, click the Print button. For more information, see Seller Contracts.


Schedule A Tab

View all lots being sold by seller, as well as quantities, reserves, and taxes. Edits can be made to lots here just as they can in Lot Builder.

To edit a lot, click the Pencil icon to the left of the lot, make the changes, and then click the Save button in the bottom right corner of the page.


To add a lot, use the fields at the bottom of the page to enter the lot details and then click the Enter key.


To remove a lot from a seller, click the X to the right of the lot. This will not delete the lot, it will only remove the seller code from the lot.

  • The lot will not be associated with any seller until a new seller code is assigned to the lot, or until the lot is assigned to a new seller using the Schedule A tab.


Expenses Tab

Assign expenses to seller, or to specific lots. Expenses can be set up company-wide and assigned through the Expense Code drop-down. For more information, see Seller Expenses and Credits.


PDFs Tab

To upload a copy of the seller's contract or Schedule A document, click the Choose File button under the applicable section, select the appropriate PDF file from the computer, and then click the Disk icon in the top right corner of the page to Save.


Permanent Sellers

Creating Permanent Sellers

Sellers and consignors that frequently contribute to events can be assigned a permanent number so that seller information can be quickly pulled from one auction to another. Permanent Sellers are created in the same way as any other seller/customer using the same fields as seen above, except that Permanent Sellers must have a number listed in the Perm Seller # field on their profile.

While it is not required, the Perm Seller # is the Seller Code that should be entered on each lot associated with that seller. No other sellers in that sale should be assigned that Seller Code.

  • Wavebid will display the next available Seller Number as a suggestion, but any unused Seller Number can be entered here.



Check-In Permanent Sellers

To check-in all of the Permanent Sellers in an auction:

  1. Navigate to the applicable auction from the Dashboard, then select Auction > Sellers.
  2. Click the Check-in All Permanent Sellers button in the top right corner of the page. This will check-in any Permanent Sellers with lots assigned to them in that auction. 



A company has Permanent Sellers 1-10.

An auction has lots assigned to Permanent Sellers 1, 3, and 5.

Clicking the Check-in All Permanent Sellers button will check-in Permanent Sellers 1, 3, and 5. Since the other Permanent Sellers do not have lots assigned to them in the auction, they are not checked-in to the auction. If lots are assigned to more Permanent Sellers later, the Check-in All Permanent Sellers button can be clicked again to check-in those additional Permanent Sellers.

Permanent Sellers can also be checked-in by clicking the Check-In icon located to the right of the auction's menu on the Dashboard. PermSellerCheckInDashboard.PNG

Automatic Check-In

Wavebid has an option to automatically check a Permanent Seller into a sale if their Permanent Seller Number is entered into the Seller field on any lots in the auction.

This feature will need to be turned at the company level before it can be used:

  1. Navigate to My Links > Company > Profile.
  2. Click on the Preferences tab.
  3. Click on the Sellers option on the left side of the page.
  4. Check the box for Automatically check in permanent sellers.
  5. Click the Disk icon in the top right corner of the page to Save.


View/Edit Checked-In Sellers

A list of all the sellers registered for an event can be found by navigating to the applicable auction from the Dashboard, then selecting Accounting > Reports > Registered Sellers

  1. Click on a seller's name to view their information.
  2. To edit the seller information, click the Edit link to the right of the seller's name.
  3. Make any desired changes to the seller's information.
    • See the Check-In a Seller section above for more information on the various seller information fields.
    • The First Name, Billing Address and Email fields are required. 
    • The Seller Code field is required in order for a seller to be checked into an auction.
  4. Click the Disk icon in the top right corner of the page to Save.

Seller Settlements will be generated once a seller is assigned to lots. For more information on assigning sellers to lots, see Seller Inventory.



A list of all the sellers registered for an event can be found by navigating to the applicable auction from the Dashboard, then selecting Accounting > Reports > Registered Sellers.

  • Use the Search field at the top of the page to search for an item on the report.
  • Click on the column headers to change the order of items as they appear on the report.
  • Columns can be added or remove from the report by clicking the Columns button in the top right corner of the page. Click on a column header to add or remove it.
  • To export the report, click the Export button in the top right corner of the page and then select the export type.

For more reports, see Reports and Lists.



Leading Zero Being Removed From Seller Code

Wavebid does not recommend using Seller Codes that begin with zero, as a variety of issues can occur. To correct this issue, change the Seller Code assigned to the seller to a number (or letters) that does not begin with zero.



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