
Create an Auction

This article describes the process for creating a new auction in Wavebid. It also contains information on copying/duplicating an auction.

This article contains the following sections:


Create a New Auction

For information on creating auctions that span multiple days or rings, see Multi-Day/Multi-Ring Events. For information on creating auctions that will be exported to multiple bidding platforms, see Integrating with Multiple Bidding Platforms.

For international auctions, see International Wavebid Features.

  1. Login to Wavebid.
  2. From the Dashboard, click the Hammer icon in the upper right corner. CreateNewAuction.PNG
  3. On the Auction Info page, enter the auction details. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*). NewAuctionInfoFields.PNG
    • Name: The name of the auction. This information will appear in all invoices.
    • Address: Enter the address where the auction will take place, or select an address from the Select Address drop-down. For international auctions, see International Wavebid Features.
    • Auction Photo: Click the Choose File to select a photo. Photos must be JPEG or PNG file type.
    • Coordinator: The user managing the sale in the system. Select a Coordinator from the drop-down. All company users will be listed in the drop-down.
    • Sales Manager: Select a Sales Manager from the drop-down. All company users will be listed in the drop-down. For information related to commissions for Sales Managers, see Sales Manager Commissions.
    • Estimates: Enter the Starting Lot number and the number of Lots and Videos that are likely to be in the auction. This is just an estimate.
    • Restrict to Coordinator & Admins: As a security measure, the default is for this feature to be enabled. If a user is not a Coordinator or an Administrator, the auction will not appear in their Dashboard. To make the auction visible to the user, there are a few options:
      • Make the user the auction's Coordinator.
      • Grant the user the COMPANY_ADMIN role in the permissions page.
      • Disable this option entirely, making the auction visible for all company users.
    • Lock Auction?: Locking an auction prevents any changes from being made to the event. No one, including company Admin users or Wavebid Admins, can access locked events. If assistance is needed relating to a locked event, the event will need to be unlocked by a company Admin first. Once unlocked, edits can be made as usual.
    • Visibility:
      • Private: Only users logged in to Wavebid will be able to see the auction. This is the default.
      • Secret Key Protected: A key (code or password) is set, then Wavebid creates a link to an Auction Preview page. That link can be provided to third-parties as needed. Any individual with the link can type in the key and then view the catalog. The link will appear directly below the Visibility field once the event is saved.
      • Public - No Catalog: Wavebid creates a link to an Auction Preview page. Anyone with the link can view just the photos for the lots. The link will appear directly below the Visibility field once the event is saved.
      • Public: Wavebid creates a link to an Auction Preview page and anyone with the link can view the full catalog. The link will appear directly below the Visibility field once the event is saved.
  4. Under the Auction Attributes tab: 
    • Select the Auction Software from the drop-down. This is the online bidding platform the user is planning to export the catalog to. 
      • The Auction Software should not be changed once an event has been exported. See below for more information.
      • If the auction is not going to be exported to an online bidding platform, select Universal.
    • Use the Type of Catalog drop-down to select whether the event is spanning multiple days or rings.
    • Click in the Start Date field and select a date from the Calendar tool. Use the Hour and Minute switches to select a time. Once the date and time are selected, click the Done button.
    • Click in the End Date field and select a date from the Calendar tool. Use the Hour and Minute switches to select a time. Once the date and time are selected, click the Done button.
    • Select a Time Zone.
    • If desired, select the Type of Auction.
    • If desired, click on the Magnifying Glass icon above the Default Category field to select a category for all the lots in the auction.
      • This category will only apply to lots created using Lot Builder
      • This category will be automatically applied to all lots created after the default is set.
      • Lots created before the default was set will not be impacted.  
      • The category can be changed on any lots as needed.
      • For more information, see Categories and Metadata.
    • Additional linking fields may appear depending on the Auction Software selected. View the help article related to that specific integration for more information.
  5. Click the Disk icon in the top right corner of the screen to save the auction.
    • Once saved, the Auction ID (Workspace ID) will populate in the lower left corner of the page. This number is issued by Wavebid and cannot be edited.AuctionSettingsSaveButton.PNG
  6. The auction will now be visible on the Dashboard.
    • Whether the auction appears on the Upcoming, Active, or Completed tabs depends on the Start Date selected. For more information, see Navigating Wavebid

For information relating to the various Attributes listed under the Auction Attributes tab (or Adv. Auction Settings tab) or any of the remaining tabs, see Auction Settings.



Auction Software 

The Auction Software drop-down should not be changed once an event has been exported. Changing the Auction Software drop-down can break the link with the previously selected software (bidding platform). For example, changing the Auction Software drop-down from BidSpotter to Proxibid will break the link between BidSpotter and Wavebid for that auction. Additionally, changing the Auction Software drop-down may interfere with the importing of data after a sale is complete. 


Copy/Duplicate an Auction

Copying an auction will only copy the auction workspace and settings- it will not copy the lots within the auction. Copying or moving lots is a separate action that will need to be taken. For information on how to do so, see Move/Copy Lots to Another Auction.

Please note that moving a lot that has already been linked to an online bidding platform, will un-link the lot. This can result in a loss of pre-bids on the online bidding platform.

Copying/duplicating an auction does not copy any linking to an online bidding platform. The duplicated event will need to be manually linked to the online bidding platform. If the online bidding platform already has pre-bids, those bids could be affected by duplicating and linking the event.

To copy an auction workspace:

  1. Navigate to the auction to be copied from the Dashboard and select Auction > Edit Settings.
  2. Click on the Copy Auction button in the top right corner of the page. A pop-up window will open.
  3. Enter the name of the new auction space into the Auction Name field and click the OK button to confirm.
    • If the name is not changed, there will be two events with the same name on the Dashboard.
    • This is a required field.                                           CopyAuction1.jpg
  4. A message will appear stating that the copy was successful. Click the OK button to continue. CopyAuction3.jpg
  5. Return to the Wavebid Dashboard to view the new event. CopyAuction4.jpgThe new event will have all of the details, dates, and settings that the original event had, except for the external auction ID. For example, the Proxibid Auction ID field and the GAP Reference ID field (for BidSpotter) will not copy from one event to another. There cannot be more than one Wavebid event linked to the same external online bidding event. 


Delete an Auction

Deleting an auction deletes all of the lots, photos, videos, sale data, etc. contained in the auction. This data cannot be retrieved.

To completely delete an Auction and everything in it:

  1. Navigate to the applicable auction from the Dashboard, then select Auction > Edit Settings.
  2. Click on the Trashcan icon in the top right corner of the page. A pop-up window will open. DeleteAuction.PNG
  3. Type the word "DELETE" into the window to confirm that the sale and its contents should be deleted.                                                                                  DeleteAuction2.PNG
  4. Click the Yes, I'm Sure button. The auction has been deleted.


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