
SAM (MarkNet)

SAM and Wavebid have an integration allowing users to export a catalog and photos directly, re-export changes to a catalog, and pull in results directly from SAM to Wavebid. This article describes the process for linking and exporting to SAM, and then importing auction results.

This article contains the following sections:


Linking an Account

The linking process below only needs to take place once. However, if a user changes their password in SAM, they will need to change it Wavebid as well, or the linking will no longer function.


  1. Obtain the endpoint for the SAM administration account. 
  2. Navigate to My Links > Company > Catalog Settings > Export.
  3. Select SAM from the Export Format drop-down menu.
  4. Eliminate the "/admin/" from the SAM Admin URL and enter the remaining part of the URL into the Endpoint for Automated Catalog Upload field.
  5. Enter the SAM admin username into the SAM Username field.
  6. Enter the SAM admin password into the SAM Password field.
  7. Click the Save button in the top right corner of the window.


Linking an Auction

  1. Navigate to the applicable auction on the Dashboard and then select Auction > Edit Auction.
  2. Select SAM from the Auction Software drop-down. SAM3.JPG
  3. Click the Disk icon in the top right corner of the page to Save.
    • Wavebid will automatically create the event in the SAM system and the ID will appear in the SAM Auction ID (Auto) field.
    • If the Wavebid auction needs to be linked to an existing SAM auction, add the Auction ID to the SAM Auction ID (Manual) field.                                                                                       
    • If the SAM Auction ID needs to be changed or deleted, please please send an email to with the Wavebid Workspace ID and the new SAM Auction ID. SAM4.JPG


Exporting an Auction

  1. Navigate to the applicable auction on the Dashboard, then select Auction > Export Auction.
  2. Set the Lot Options.
    • Export all lots or just a range of lots.
  3. Set the Catalog Options:
    • The Generate Catalog box should be checked.
    • Data Mapping should be set to MarkNet.
    • The Save as CSV box should be checked.                                                              SAM6.JPG
  4. Set the Photo Options:
    • The Zip Photos box should be checked. 
    • The New Photos Only box should not checked.
    • If using Thumbnails, select a pixel size from the drop-down.
    • Please note, images are limited to 6MB each. The largest image displayed by default is to be fit within 1000x1000 pixels.                                                                           SAM7.JPG 
  5. Click the Export Auction button. The Export Monitor page will provide a status of the export and indicate whether or not it was successful. For more information, see Export Monitor.
    • The export process can take up to 15 minutes, depending on the size of the catalog and the number of photos. Wavebid will transfer the catalog via web interface and the photos through FTP.


Importing Bidders and Sale Data

After logging into SAM, a list of auctions should be visible. Click on the auction that needs to be imported into Wavebid.


  1. Click and download the All Data .CSV report. mceclip3.png
  2. Open the downloaded file in Microsoft Excel or another spreadsheet editor.
  3. Delete first two rows from the downloaded file so Lot # is the first row. mceclip4.png
  4. Once the spreadsheet has been prepared, follow the Manual Import instructions found in the Importing Post Sale Data help article.



No Columns Were Found

If the following error message is received, verify that the document being uploaded is a comma-separated values (.CSV) file type. This message will most likely appear if the document is not a .CSV.


Error Trying to Send Catalog File

Check the credentials entered in Wavebid under My Links > Company > Catalog Settings > Export.

  • Verify that an endpoint has been entered.
  • If the SAM password has changed since entering it in Wavebid, the new password will need to be entered in Wavebid as well.

Auction ##### not found within sync namespace SAM

This error has likely occurred because the Endpoint for Automated Catalog Upload field has been misconfigured in the Company Export Settings.

To correct the issue, reconfigure the Company Export Settings for exporting to SAM

Error 500: Internal Server Error

This is likely an issue with SAM (MarkNet). Confirm the account has been linked correctly, the auction has been has been linked correctly, and the auction was exported correctly. If the message below still appears on the Export Monitor, please contact SAM (MarkNet) directly to determine if they are experiencing any current outages.


Reserves Didn't Export to SAM

If Reserve amounts were entered into Wavebid, but they did not export. Confirm that the company level catalog settings aren't preventing the export of Reserve amounts. 

  • Navigate to My Links > Company > Profile
  • Click on the Preferences tab. 
  • Click on the Cataloging option on the left side of the page. 
  • Uncheck the Do Not Export Reserve values box.
  • Click the Disk icon in the top right corner of the page to save the changes. The event can now be exported again.



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