
Wavebid Mobile

This article discusses the various features of the Wavebid Mobile app, from app requirements and permissions, to creating lots and uploading photos. This article also describes the app's Offline Mode, which allows for photos to be taken in areas with poor internet connection and then uploaded later. 

This article contains the following sections:


App Basics


Android users can download the app through the Google Play Store.

Wavebid only supports devices that have been certified by Google and have registered their ID with Google Services Framework. Wavebid does not support devices that have not gone through this process, including all Amazon Fire devices.

For iOS (Apple) users, the app can be found in the Apple App Store by searching for "Wavebid 2". 

The latest version of the app is:

  • Android: 3.3.2 (March 6, 2023)
  • iOS: 3.3.2



The minimum supported operating system versions are:

  • Android: 14
  • iOS: 17

*Wavebid highly recommends using the latest versions of both the Android and iOS operating systems.


Logging in

After the app has been installed on the device, log in using a Wavebid username and password. If two or more people are sharing the same user account, only one person may be logged in at a time- the first user will be kicked out.



In order to store or access photos on a device, the Wavebid mobile app must be granted the proper permissions. For either operating system, if the permissions are not initially granted, they will need to changed in the device's settings so that permission is granted. Users can also uninstall and the re-install the app to get another opportunity to grant permissions.


The first time the Photo Management page is accessed on the app, two window pop-ups should appear:

  1. Allow Wavebid to access photos, media and files on your device? Click the ALLOW button. This permission allows the app to access photos and videos on the device, which enables the photo attachment feature in Lot Builder.                                           mceclip0.png
  2. Allow Wavebid to take pictures and record video? Click the ALLOW button.                                        This permission allows photos taken with the app to be stored on the device.      mceclip1.png


  1.  A permissions request will appear the first time the app is used to take photos. Click the OK button. WavebidMobilePermissions2.JPG
  2. A permissions request will also appear the first time the app attempts to upload photos from the device. Click the All Access to All Photos button.                       WavebidMobilePermissions.JPG

It is highly recommended that users cataloging on an Apple device turn off Smart Punctuation prior to cataloging. Not doing so could result in punctuation displaying incorrectly in catalogs posted to an online bidding platform. For more information, see Catalog Punctuation and Formatting Issues.


Mobile Dashboard



  • Click the Upcoming button to view all upcoming auctions.
  • Click the Active button to view all active auctions.
  • Click the Completed button to view all completed auctions from the last 90 days. Auctions older than 90 days cannot be accessed through the app but can be accessed in the Auction Vault on the Wavebid desktop site.
  • Click the Inventory button to access Inventory information, if applicable.
  • Click the Appraisal button to access Appraisal information, if applicable.


Create a New Auction

  1. Click the Plus icon in the lower right corner of the screen to create a new auction.                              WavebidMobileCreateNewAuction.JPG
  2. Complete all of the fields and click the Save button in the top right corner of the screen. WavebidMobileCreateNewAuction2.JPG
  3. The auction will then appear under Upcoming or Active, depending on the date of the auction.


Mobile Lot Builder

Managing Lot Fields

Please note that Custom Lot Builder fields that appear in the full (desktop) version of Lot Builder will not be accessible in the mobile app.

  1. From the Mobile Dashboard, click the Menu icon in the top left corner of the screen and then select Settings.                                                                                          WavebidMobileSettingsButton.JPG
  2. On the Setting page, select the Lot Builder Settings option.
  3. On the Lot Builder Settings page, the fields listed in the Lot Builder Template section will appear in each lot of Mobile Lot Builder. The fields listed below in the Lot Fields section can be added to the Lot Builder Template.
  4. To add a field to the Lot Builder Template:
    1. Swipe right on the field title. An Add button will appear.
    2. Click the Add button. The field will move up to the Lot Builder Template section.
    3. Click the Save button to save changes.                                                            WavebidMobileAddLotFields.JPG
  5. To remove a field from the Lot Builder Template:
    1. Swipe right on the field title. A Remove button will appear (the Lot Number field is required and cannot be removed).
    2. Click the Remove button. The field will move back down to the Lot Fields section.
    3. Click the Save button to save changes.                                        WavebidMobileDeleteLotFields.JPG
  6. To change the order in which the Lot Builder Template fields appear, press and hold the three lines to the right of the field title and drag the field to the desired position. Click the Save button to save changes.                                                                                                 WavebidMobileArrangeLots.JPG       
  7. Once the lot fields are added and arranged as desired, begin creating lots.


Creating Lots

  1. Click the Catalog button in the bottom left corner of the applicable auction on the Mobile Dashboard. The Mobile Lot Builder page will open.                                                                                  WavebidMobileCatalogingButton.JPG
  2. Complete all of the fields and click the Save button in the top right corner of the screen.
    • A message will appear confirming that the lot was saved.
  3. To move to the next lot, enter the next lot number into the Go to lot number field at the top of the screen and click the Go button.
    • Swiping left on a lot will also progress to the next lot number. WavebidMobileMovetoNextLot.JPG
  4. If the lot doesn't already exist, a message will appear advising that a new lot is being created. Click the Ok button to continue.                                                                                         WavebidMobileCreateLotMessage.JPG
  5. Repeat until all lots are created.

VIN Lookup

To access the VIN Lookup feature:

  1. Click the Plus icon in the bottom left corner of the lot (a lot must be saved before this option becomes available).
  2. Click the VIN Lookup button.                                                                             WavebidMobileVINLookup.JPG
  3. A scanning screen will open. Hold the phone over the VIN barcode, centering it on the red line.
  4. To manually enter the VIN number, click the Cancel button at the bottom of the page, enter the VIN Number and click the Done button.
  5. VIN information will be added to the lot's Description field.
  6. Click the Save button to save changes.

Delete Lots

To delete a lot:

  1. Access the lot via the Mobile Lot Builder page and click the Plus icon in the bottom left corner of the screen.
  2. Click the Delete Lot button (a lot must be saved before this option becomes available). WavebidMobileDeleteLots.JPG
  3. A confirmation message will appear. Click the Ok button to confirm.
    • Deleted lots cannot be retrieved.


Creating Lots Video Tutorial


Mobile Photo Management

Photo Size

There are three options for photos sizes, each with their own benefits:

  • Small
    • Lower quality photos, but the best option to conserve data.
    • Photos are uploaded at a maximum of 1000x1000 Pixels.
    • ~ 30,000/per gig of data
  • Medium (Recommended)
    • Best compromise in terms of quality and data usage.
    • Photos are uploaded at a maximum of 2000x2000 Pixels.
    • ~ 10,000/per gig of data
  • Large
    • High quality photos, at the cost of your data.
    • Photos are uploaded at a maximum of 3000x3000 Pixels.
    • ~ 5,000/per gig of data

To change the selected photo size:

  1. Click on the Menu icon in the top left corner of the screen and select Settings.
  2. On the Settings page, click the Photo Size drop-down and select a new size.
  3. Click the Ok button.                                                                                                            WavebidMobilePhotoSize2.JPG

Please note, while Wavebid does not limit the size or quantity of photos that can be added to a lot, there may be photo limitations on an auction's bidding platform. Users should determine any bidding platform photo limitations prior to uploading large numbers of photos.


Lots Without Photos

The Lots Without Photos feature can be used to find all of the lots that have been created, but do not have photos yet.

  1. On the Mobile Dashboard, navigate to the applicable auction and click on the Catalog button.         WavebidMobileCatalogingButton.JPG
  2. Click on the Camera icon in the bottom right corner of the screen.                    WavebidMobileCameraButton.JPG
  3. Click the W/O Photo button, which should now be visible in the top right corner of the screen. WavebidMobileWOPhotoButton.JPG
  4. A list of lots that do not currently have photos should appear.                   WavebidMobileLotsWithoutPhotos.JPG
  5. Click on the lot to access the Photo Management page and either take a photo or select a photo from the device.

Taking Photos

Please note, the barcode system cannot be used when taking photos and uploading them directly within the Wavebid Mobile app.

  1. On the Mobile Dashboard, navigate to the applicable auction and click on the Catalog button. WavebidMobileCatalogingButton.JPG
  2. Click on the Camera icon in the bottom right corner of the screen.                    WavebidMobileCameraButton.JPG
  3. This screen will display any photos that are already in the lot.
  4. Click on the Camera icon in the bottom right corner of the screen. The device's camera will open so photos can be taken.
  5. After the picture is taken, confirm use of the photo by clicking the Use Photo button in the bottom right corner of the screen.
    • The photo can be cancelled and retaken by clicking the Retake button in the bottom left corner of the screen.                                                                               WavebidMobileUsePhotoRetakeButtons.JPG
  6. The device's camera will open again so additional photos can be taken. Once all the desired photos are taken, click the Cancel button in the bottom left corner of the screen.                    WavebidMobileCancelButton.JPG
  7. A message should appear indicating that photos have been added to the Upload Queue.
    • It is highly recommended that the user stay in an area with strong internet connectivity until all of the photos in the Upload Queue have successfully uploaded.
    • The user should not close down the app until all of the photos in the Upload Queue have successfully uploaded.

Selecting Photos from a Device

Please note, the barcode system cannot be used when taking photos and uploading them directly within the Wavebid Mobile app.

  1. On the Mobile Dashboard, navigate to the applicable auction and click on the Catalog button. WavebidMobileCatalogingButton.JPG
  2. Click on the Camera icon in the bottom right corner of the screen.                    WavebidMobileCameraButton.JPG
  3. This screen will display any photos that are already in the lot.
  4. Click on the Plus icon in the bottom left corner of the screen, and then click on the File button. WavebidMobilePlusButton.JPG                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  WavebidMobileFileButton.JPG
  5. Select all of the desired photos from the device's photo gallery, then click the Ok button. WavebidMobileDoneButton.JPG
  6. A message should appear indicating that photos have been added to the Upload Queue.
    • It is highly recommended that the user stay in an area with strong internet connectivity until all of the photos in the Upload Queue have successfully uploaded.
    • The user should not close down the app until all of the photos in the Upload Queue have successfully uploaded.

Deleting Photos

  1. On the Mobile Dashboard, navigate to the applicable auction and click on the Catalog button. WavebidMobileCatalogingButton.JPG
  2. Click on the Camera icon in the bottom right corner of the screen.                    WavebidMobileCameraButton.JPG
  3. This screen will display any photos that are already in the lot.
  4. Click on the Plus icon in the bottom left corner of the screen, and then click on the Delete Photo(s) button.                                                                                                 WavebidMobileDeletePhotosButton.JPG
  5. Click on each photo that needs to be deleted.
  6. Click the Trashcan icon button to delete all of the selected pictures.
    • Deleted photos cannot be retrieved.
    • To cancel, click on the X button.
  7. A confirmation window will open. Click the Ok button to confirm the deletion.
  8. The deleted photos should no longer appear in the lot.                                                                                        

Upload Queue

Photos that have been submitted to Wavebid, but have not yet been uploaded to the server will appear in the Upload Queue. How quickly photos are uploaded will depend on the size of the photos and the strength and speed of the internet connection.

To view the Upload Queue:

  1. Click the Menu icon in the top left corner of the screen and select Upload Queue. WavebidMobileUploadQueue.JPG
  2. The Upload Queue will default to display photos that are pending upload. Click the Failed button at the bottom of the screen to view photos that failed to upload.                    WavebidMobileFailedUploads.JPG
    • Swipe to the left on failed photo line to access the Retry button. Wavebid will attempt to upload the photo again when the Retry button is clicked.                                    WavebidMobileTryAgainPhotoUpload.JPG
    • Swipe to the right on a failed photo line to access the Delete button. Clicking will delete the photo from the Upload Queue.                                                         WavebidMobileDeletePhotoUpload.JPG
  3. Click the Completed button to view photos that have successfully been uploaded. WavebidMobileCompletedUploads.JPG


Offline Mode

Wavebid Mobile's Offline Mode allows users to catalog in areas with poor internet and cell service. While the app is in Offline Mode, lot information (such as titles and descriptions) cannot be entered, but photos can still be added to lots, and then uploaded when internet connectivity resumes.

  1. From the Mobile Dashboard, click the Menu icon in the top left of the screen and then select Settings.                                                                                          WavebidMobileSettingsButton.JPG
  2. Click the switch for Offline Mode. Blue indicates that the app is in Offline Mode. (
    • The Pause Photo Uploads option will automatically switch on as well.                            WavebidMobileOfflineModeSwitch.JPG
  3. Click on the Menu button in the top left corner again and select Home.
  4. Click the new Offline Mode button.                                                                                     WavebidMobileOfflineButton.JPG                         
  5. There are two ways to enter the auction ID:
    • Use the Auction ID drop-down menu, select the appropriate auction, and click the Ok button.WavebidMobileOfflineLotSelect.JPG
    • Click on the Pencil icon and then type the auction ID into the Auction ID field. WavebidMobileOfflineLotEnter.JPG                                                                WavebidMobileOfflineLotEnter2.JPG
  6. Enter the lot number in the Lot Number field.
  7. There are two ways to add photos to the lots:
    • Click the Camera button to take photos as described in the Taking Photos section of this article. The photos are stored on the device and will be uploaded when Offline Mode is turned off.
    • Click the Select Photos button to select photos as described in the Selecting Photos from Device section of this article.
  8. A message should appear advising that the photos have been added to the Upload QueueWavebidMobileOfflineUploadConfirmation.JPG
  9. To catalog the next lot, delete the value from the Lot Number field, enter the next lot number, and add photos. Continue until all lots are cataloged.
  10. Once internet connectivity is re-established, Offline Mode can be turned off.


Turning Off Offline Mode

Once internet connectivity is re-established, Offline Mode can be turned off:

  1. Click on the Menu icon in the top left corner of the screen and selecting Settings
  2. Click the switch for Offline Mode. White indicates that the app is no longer in Offline Mode.
  3. Click the switch for Pause Photo Uploads. White indicates that photo uploading has resumed.
    • The app will not resume photo uploads until the Pause Photo Uploads setting is turned off.
    • The app should be left open and remain on a strong internet connection until photo uploading is complete.                                                                                   WavebidMobileOfflineModeSwitches.JPG
  4. To view the photos in the Upload Queue once Offline Mode has been turned off and photo uploads have resumed, click the Menu icon in the top left corner and select Upload Queue


Reporting App Issues to Wavebid

If users continue to experience issues with the Wavebid mobile application, please send a diagnostic report to the Wavebid development team. Submission of a diagnostic report is done from the impacted mobile device inside the Wavebid Mobile application.

  1. From the Mobile Dashboard, click the Menu icon in the top left of the screen and then select Settings.                                                                 WavebidMobileSettingsButton.JPG          
  2. Inside the settings menu, select Send Diagnostic Report. mceclip1.png
  3. A pop-up confirmation will open. Click the OK button.               mceclip2.png



Users Can't See Auctions

If a user is logged in but is unable to see certain auctions on the Dashboard, the auctions are likely restricted. For more information, see Why Can't I See Auctions on the Dashboard?


Kicked Out

If a user is being exited out of the app, please confirm that no one else is accessing the app under that user account. Only one user per account may be logged into the app at any given time. If a second user accesses the app under the same account, the first user will be exited from the app.


Photos Not Uploading

If photos are failing to upload, please access the app Settings and confirm that the Pause Photo Uploads setting has been turned off (white indicates off). Photos will not upload while this setting is on (blue indicates on).



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