Proxibid and Wavebid have an integration that allows users to export a catalog and photos directly, re-export changes to a catalog, and pull in sale results directly from Proxibid to Wavebid. This article describes the process for linking the accounts and exporting auctions from Wavebid to Proxibid.
This article contains the following sections:
- Linking an Account
- Linking an Auction
- Exporting an Auction
- Importing Bidders and Sale Data
- Cross-Listing with atgXL
- Cross-Listing with ATG's Partner Network
- APN and Wavebid
- Troubleshooting
Linking an Account
The linking process between Wavebid and Proxibid only needs to be done once. However, if a user changes their Proxibid password, a new Token will need to be generated. That Token information will then need to be updated in Wavebid.
An auction will need to be created in Proxibid prior to obtaining linking information.
If there is not currently an auction in AuctionBuilder, a blank test auction can be created and placed in a 'Disabled' status. If the auction is not needed, the event can be archived once Proxibid and Wavebid are linked.
Only users with Admin abilities in Wavebid will be able to link the company Wavebid account to Proxibid.
- In AuctionBuilder, select Bulk Loader from the menu options on the left side of the page and then select the auction from the Select Catalog drop-down.
- Click the Get Wavebid Linking Information link at the bottom of the page.
- The page will then load a Company ID, Auction ID, and Token.
- Copy all three pieces of information for the first connection.
- Only the Auction ID will be needed for future listing connections.
- Login to Wavebid.
- From the Dashboard, select My Links > Company > Cataloging Settings > Export.
- Select Proxibid from the Select an Export Format drop-down, .
- Type in the Company ID obtained from AuctionBuilder.
- Enter the Token into the Remote Password for Catalog Upload field.
Click the Save button in the top right corner of the page.
Linking an Auction
Each auction will need to be linked to Proxibid separately. Once an auction is linked to Proxibid, it is important that the Auction Software drop-down not be changed. Changing the Auction Software type can break the link between Proxibid and Wavebid that allows for data to be transferred between the two platforms.
Linking an Existing Auction
Follow the steps below to link an auction that has already been created in AuctionBuilder.
- Navigate to the applicable auction from the Dashboard, then select Auction > Edit Settings.
- Under the Auction Attributes tab, change the Auction Software drop-down to Proxibid.
- In the Proxibid Auction ID box, type in the Auction ID number obtained from Proxibid.
- This Auction ID cannot be used for multiple Wavebid auctions.
- Click the Disk icon in the top right corner of the page to Save.
Linking a New Auction
Wavebid has an feature that allows auctions to be automatically created in Proxibid once it has been saved in Wavebid. Users will need to ensure they have the proper settings and templates in place in Proxibid prior to using this feature.
- Navigate to the applicable auction from the Dashboard, then select Auction > Edit Settings.
- Under the Auction Attributes tab, change the Auction Software drop-down to Proxibid.
- Check the Auto Export Auction box located under the Attributes column (or under the Adv. Attribute Settings tab).
- Click the Disk icon in the top right corner of the page to Save.
- The event will automatically be created in Proxibid. A Proxibid Auction ID does not need to be entered under Auction Attributes in Wavebid for events that are created/linked in this way. Updates to the event/catalog will still need to be exported as normal.
Auction Attributes
For Proxibid events, there are certain Auction Attributes that must be accessed via the Adv. Attribute Settings tab rather than the Auction Attributes tab. For information on enabling the Adv. Attribute Settings tab, see Advanced Auction Attributes.
Exporting an Auction
Please note, exports to Proxibid cannot be done within 15 minutes of lots closing. This is in order to prevent issues relating to extended bidding.
New lots can be added and existing lots can be updated via Wavebid, but any deletions should occur in Proxibid if lots have started collecting pre-bids.
- Navigate to the applicable auction from the Dashboard, then select Auction > Export Auction.
- Set the Lot Options.
- Export all lots, a range of lots, or batches.
- If batches is selected, Wavebid will automatically export the catalog in batches of the number chosen from the Export All in Batches of drop-down. This is good for large catalogs that may timeout when exporting to Proxibid.
- Each batch will generate a .CSV file link and photo zip file link (if images were exported) on the right side of the page.
- Export all lots, a range of lots, or batches.
- Set the Catalog Options:
- The Generate Catalog box should be checked.
- The Upload Catalog box should be checked.
- The Data Mapping must be Proxibid. If custom mapping is selected, there is a risk that some of the lot information will not be transferred over.
- The Save as .CSV box should be checked.
- Set the Photo Options:
- The Upload Photos box should be checked.
- The New Photos Only box should be checked, unless edits have been made to previously exported photos (ex. cropping, image order). In that case, the box should be unchecked.
- Click the Export Auction button. Please allow time to process and create the lots in their servers based on size and time of the export. The Export Monitor page will provide a status of the export and indicate whether or not it was successful. For more information, see Export Monitor.
- Once the .CSV has been posted, the catalog will immediately become available on Proxibid, even if the pictures aren’t transferred yet.
- Please note, exports to Proxibid cannot be done within 15 minutes of lots closing. This is in order to prevent issues relating to extended bidding.
Fields that will be exported from Wavebid to Proxibid:
Lot Number | Lot Order (Sale Order/Sequence) | Lot Title |
Lot Description | Lot Category | Metadata Fields (most) |
Quantity | Starting Bid/Ask Price | Reserve |
1 YouTube Video | Photos (.jpeg and .jpg)* |
*Even though .jpeg images cannot be uploaded to a catalog directly in AuctionBuilder, they can be exported from Wavebid to Proxibid. However, Gallery lots generated by Wavebid will not export to Proxibid.
- For fields that do not export from Wavebid to Proxibid, the information will need to be updated in AuctionBuilder directly, whether that's manually or via the Bulk Loader.
- Tax information and Buyer's Premiums set in Wavebid will not feed over to Proxibid.
- Hyperlinks add to the Lot Description in Wavebid will export as clickable links to Proxibid. For more information, see Add Hyperlinks to Lots.
- Information entered in the Location field in Lot Builder will not be exported to Proxibid. However, location information entered with the lot's metadata will be exported to Proxibid. For information on adding the location to the Lot Descriptions in Proxibid, see Add Locations to Lot Descriptions in Proxibid.
- PDFs attached to lots in Wavebid will be exported as hyperlinks in the Lot Description.
- Proxibid will not accept underlined text. Having underlined text in a Lot Description being exported to Proxibid will result in HTML code appearing in the entire Lot Description.
Deleting Lots via Export
If a lot is deleted in Wavebid and then re-exported to Proxibid, the lot should be automatically removed from Proxibid, unless the lot already contains pre-bids. If the lot already has pre-bids in Proxibid, it should be deleted in Proxibid (AuctionBuilder) directly.
Importing Bidders and Sale Data
Once the auction is complete, closing data for bidders and sales can be automatically imported back into Wavebid for invoicing purposes.
- Navigate to the applicable auction from the Dashboard, then select Accounting > Import Bidder Info (Auto). The Person Import Results page will load indicating if the import was successful. If an error occurred, see Troubleshooting.
- Then, from the same Accounting menu, select Import Sales Info (Auto). The Lot Import Results page will load indicating if the import was successful, and winning bidder and sale information should be imported. If an error occurred, see Troubleshooting.
If, for some reason, the sale data needs to imported manually, see Importing Post Sale Data.
Fields that will be imported from Proxibid to Wavebid:
Bidder's First and Last Name | Bidder's Billing Address |
Bidder's phone Number |
Bidder's Company Name | Bidder's Email Address | Bidder's Shipping Address |
Lot Number | Selling Price (Hammer) | Winning bidder's paddle number |
For fields that do not import from Proxibid into Wavebid, the information will need to be updated manually in Wavebid- either individually via Lot Builder or in bulk via Lot Bulk Actions or Import.
Please note, when importing buyer information, buyer credit card information will not import from Proxibid to Wavebid.
Payment information does not import from Proxibid either. This means that invoices that have been marked as being paid in Proxibid will not have any payments applied to them in Wavebid. The invoices in Wavebid will need to be manually marked as paid. This can be done in bulk using instructions found in the Bulk Update Invoices as Paid help article.
Cross-Listing with atgXL
Events that will be exported to Proxibid and then will be cross-listed via the ATG Partner Network must be created directly in AuctionBuilder and Wavebid. Cross-listed events cannot be created in AuctionBuilder using the Auto Export Auction option in Wavebid. Changes to these events must originate in Wavebid.
For more information about cross-listing, click here.
Cross-Listing with ATG's Partner Network
Events that will be exported to Proxibid and then will be cross-listed via the ATG Partner Network must be created directly in AuctionBuilder and Wavebid. Cross-listed events cannot be created in AuctionBuilder using the Auto Export Auction option in Wavebid. Changes to these events must originate in Wavebid.
For more information about the ATG Partner Network, click here.
APN and Wavebid
APN (Auction Payment Network) is not integrated with Wavebid. This means that Proxibid events using APN must be invoiced out of Proxibid so that payments can be taken through APN. Once payments have been collected, Proxibid sales data can be imported back into Wavebid. Please note that payment data does not import from Proxibid to Wavebid, so invoices that have been paid in Proxibid will have to be manually marked as being paid in Wavebid.
Token Error
"Error: Error trying to send catalog file. New token required! Please return to the Proxibid AuctionBuilder Bulk Loader and obtain a new token."
The error above may occur when attempting to export to Proxibid or import from Proxibid. If the user's Proxibid password was changed, a new Token also needs to be obtained in Proxibid. That new Token will need to be entered in Wavebid under My Links > Company > Cataloging Settings > Export in order to re-link the accounts.
Permission Error
"Error: Error trying to send catalog file. This user account does not have permission to edit the requested catalog. Export Incomplete."
The error above may occur when the incorrect Proxibid Auction ID has been entered in Wavebid. To correct the issue:
- Navigate to the auction in AuctionBuilder and click on the Bulk Loader link on the left side of the page.
- Select the Catalog from the drop-down.
- Click the Get Wavebid Linking Information button. Take note of the Auction ID.
- Navigate to the auction on the Wavebid Dashboard, then select Auction > Edit Settings.
- Under the Auction Attributes tab, enter the Auction ID from Proxibid into the Proxibid Auction ID field.
- Click the Disk icon in the top right corner of the page to Save.
Error 403- Forbidden
"The auction cannot be modified in its current state. Lots are about to close."
Exports to Proxibid cannot be done within 15 minutes of lots closing. This is in order to prevent issues relating to extended bidding.
Tax Rates/Exemption Not Appearing in Proxibid
Tax rates and exemptions set in Wavebid will not feed over to Proxibid. This information will need to be set in Proxibid directly.
Reserves Didn't Export to Proxibid
If Reserve amounts were entered into Wavebid, but they did not export. Confirm that the company level catalog settings aren't preventing the export of Reserve amounts.
- Navigate to My Links > Company > Profile.
- Click on the Preferences tab.
- Click on the Cataloging option on the left side of the page.
- Uncheck the Do Not Export Reserve values box.
- Click the Disk icon in the top right corner of the page to save the changes. The event can now be exported again.
HTML Showing in Lot Descriptions
Check the Lot Descriptions for underlined text. Proxibid will not accept underlined text. Having underlined text in a Lot Description being exported to Proxibid will result in HTML code appearing in the entire Lot Description. To correct the issue, remove the underline from the text in Wavebid and re-export the lot.
Chunk Error
This error is likely to occur when exporting large catalogs with a lot of images from Wavebid to Proxibid. These large catalogs can sometimes timeout when exporting, resulting in the 'Premature end of chunk' error message.
To correct this, export the catalog in smaller batches. To do so automatically, click on the Lot Options menu option on the left side of the Export page and then use the Export All in Batches of drop-down to select the number of lots to be exported in each batch.
Wavebid will then automatically send the catalog in batches. Each batch will generate a .CSV file and photo zip file (if images were exported) on the right side of the page.
Error Trying to Send Catalog File: Missing Required Columns
Confirm that Proxibid has been selected from the Data Mapping drop-down under the Catalog Options tab on the export page.
Confirm that the Save as .CSV box is also checked.
Images Not Appearing on Proxibid
If the Export Monitor shows that images were successfully exported to Proxibid, but no images are appearing in the catalog in AuctionBuilder, confirm the Export Settings are correct. Navigate to My Links > Company > Cataloging Settings > Export. Confirm that the correct Company ID (found in AuctionBuilder) has been entered into the Proxibid Company ID field.
Images or Lots are Missing or Out of Order on Marketplace After Exporting
Any time lots are re-numbered, the entire catalog with all images needs to be exported to Proxibid. Exporting only the impacted lots, or exporting with the New Photos Only box checked can create issues with the way lots appear in the catalog.
To correct this issue, export the catalog to Proxibid again, being sure to send all lots and being sure to uncheck the New Photos Only box that appears under the Photo Options menu on the left side of the export page.
Additional Errors
For additional errors, see the 'Troubleshooting' section of the Exporting Catalogs help article.
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