
Downloading Photos From an Auction

This article describes how catalog photos can be downloaded from an auction in Wavebid.

This article contains the following sections:


Download All Catalog Photos

All of the photos from an auction catalog can be downloaded from Wavebid in one of two ways, depending on whether or not the auction has been previously exported.


If an auction has previously been exported

  1. Navigate to the applicable auction from the Dashboard, then select Auction > Export Auction.
  2. Click the blue timestamp link located in the Previous Photos section located on the right side of the page.
    • If there is no Previous Photos section, either the auction has not been exported, or the file was deleted. See the steps below for downloading the photos.                                  DownloadPhotos.JPG
  3. Save the zip file.

Please note that Barcode images will not be exported along with other catalog photos. For more information, see Uploading Photos


If an auction has not previously been exported

If an auction has been exported to a bidding platform and still needs to be imported back into Wavebid, it is recommended that users wait until the auction is complete and sale data has been imported before attempting to download auction photos in this matter. Changing the Auction Software drop-down from the integrated bidding platform to Universal can potentially break the connection between Wavebid and the bidding platform.

  1. Navigate to the applicable auction from the Dashboard, then select Auction > Edit Settings.
  2. In the Auction Attributes tab, select Universal from the Auction Software drop-down menu. ExportAuctionUniversalSetting.JPG
  3. Click the Disk icon in the top right corner of the page to save.
  4. From the Current Auction menu at the top of the page, select Auction > Export Auction.
  5. Under the Lot Options menu on the left side of the page, select All Lots.
  6. Under the Catalog Options menu, select Generate Catalog and Save as CSV.
    • The Data Mapping option is irrelevant when performing a Universal export.
  7. Under the Photo Options menu, select Zip Photos.
  8. Click the Export Auction button. A pop-up will appear. Click the OK button.
  9. Once the photos have downloaded, a blue timestamp link will appear in the Previous Photos box located on the right side of the page. DownloadPhotos.JPG
  10. Save the zip file.

Please note that Barcode images will not be exported along with other catalog photos. For more information, see Uploading Photos


Download Photos by Lot or Batch

  1. Navigate to the applicable auction from the Dashboard, then select Photos > Manage Photos.
  2. Use the Select Batch drop-down at the top of the page to select a batch of photos or select All. (A new batch is generated each time photos are uploaded to Wavebid.) DownloadPhotos1.jpg
  3. Click the Download Photos button in the top right corner of the page to download all the photos from the selected photo batch. DownloadPhotos3.jpg
    • Or, click the Download Photos button to the right of a lot to download the photo(s) just from that lot.DownloadPhotos2.jpg
  4. A new window will open allowing for the photos to be saved to the desired location.

Please note that Barcode images will not be downloaded along with other catalog photos. For more information, see Uploading Photos


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