
Company Profile

This article describes the process for editing the information and settings under the Company Profile.

This article contains the following sections:


Company Info

  1. To access the Company Profile, navigate to My Links > Company > Profile. CompanyProfile.jpg
  2. Fields with an asterisk (*) are required.
  3. The remaining fields are optional:
    • Company Logo: To upload a company logo image, click the Choose File button on the left side of the page. Photos must be JPEG or PNG file type. Once selected, the file name will appear in the Choose File field.
      • The image will not appear in the profile until the profile is saved.
      • The logo will appear on invoices, Seller Settlements, certain documents and forms, and internet links.
    • Also Known As: An alternate company name. This name will appear on invoices and Seller Settlements along with the actual Company Name.
    • Description: Enter a description of the company. This information is not exported and does not appear on customer facing documents.
    • Tax #: A company's EIN or Federal Tax ID number. This will appear on certain forms and documents.
    • Locale: Determines the date formatting, currency, and tax or VAT the company uses. For more information, see Managing Currencies. For information on setting up international companies/users, see International Wavebid Features.
    • Time Zone: Controls the time zone used for any times related to the company's auctions (ex. start time). Times zones automatically account for Daylight Savings. 
      1. Eastern Time= US/Eastern
      2. Central Time= US/Central
      3. Mountain Time= US/Mountain
      4. Pacific Time= US/Pacific
      5. Arizona= US/Arizona
  4. Click the Disk icon in the top right corner of the screen to save. Changes made will only impact auctions created after the changes are saved. Existing auctions will not be impacted.


Licenses Tab

This tab can be used to house any licenses the company may possess. This information is not exported and does not appear on customer facing documents.

To add a license:

  1. Click the Add link.          LicenseInfo3.jpg
  2. Enter the license information. LicenseInfo2.jpg
  3. Click the Disk icon in the top right corner of the screen to save.
    • To delete a license, click the Trashcan to the right of the license information.


Preferences Tab

For information on the Preferences tab, see Company Preferences.


Lot Attributes Tab

The fields under the Lot Attributes tab are used to create custom lot fields. For more information, see Create Custom Lot Builder Fields.


Associations Tab

The functionality under this tab has been discontinued.



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