

Craigslist is great forum for those unique items that might not fit into a traditional auction. Wavebid links directly to Craigslist and allows users to auto-fill content fields with the pre-existing information from their catalog or inventory. This article describes the process for linking Craigslist to Wavebid and how to post items items to Craigslist.

This article contains the following sections:


Linking an Account

  1. Login to Craigslist and select Post to Classifieds.mceclip0.png
  2. Set the information pertaining to the item and type of sale.mceclip1.png
  3. After filling out all necessary information, the following page will open:mceclip2.png
  4. Click the Wavebid icon in the top right corner of the screen.mceclip3.png
  5. After installing the Wavebid extension, navigate back to Wavebid, My Links > Offline.
  6. Copy the Offline GUID (Global Unique ID) from the Your Offline Key field.
  7. Navigate back to the Craigslist page and click on the Wavebid button in the top right corner of the browser window.
  8. Click the Options link and paste the GUID that was previously copied.mceclip4.pngmceclip7.png
  9. Click the Save button.
  10. A small window will appear.mceclip8.png
  11. Enter the Auction ID (workspace ID) and Lot Number of the item to be posted.mceclip9.png
  12. Wavebid will then automatically generate content for the various fields.mceclip10.png
  13. Click the Download link under the photos that were brought over with the lot information.mceclip11.png
  14. Click the Continue button.mceclip12.png
  15. Review the map and click the Continue button.mceclip13.png
  16. Retrieve the images by clicking the Add Images button.
  17. Select the photographs and click the Open button.mceclip14.png
  18. Images are then automatically brought into the Craigslist listing.mceclip15.png
  19. Then select the post, preview it, and click the Publish button.



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