This article describes how to view and read the Export Monitor tool in Wavebid, along with some common errors that can occur when exporting.
This article contains the following sections:
Viewing Export Monitor
When exporting an auction from Wavebid, an option is given to view the Export Monitor, but this page can also be visited any time to view the status and progress of an export. To view, navigate to My Links > Company > Export Monitor.
All of the exports that have been created within the company's account, along with any error messages (if any) will be listed:
- Date Started: When the export job was created and queued on Wavebid's export servers.
- Auction: The name and ID of the auction.
- Started By: The user account that created the export job.
- Company: The company account the user belongs to. This option is useful for franchises.
- Total Images: The total amount of photos currently stored in the auction. This does not include photos labeled as barcodes.
- Images Processed: How many images were processed by Wavebid's export server.
Status: The current status of the export:
- Building CSV: Server is currently building the .CSV (comma-separated values) file and sending it through an API integration (if one is enabled) and saving it for download.
- Sending Images: Server is sending the images through an API integration (if enabled) and building the ZIP file for download.
- Error: Something went wrong.
- Completed: The auction was successfully exported and all files created.
- Errors: Any error messages reported by the API integrations (if enabled). See Troubleshooting below.
- Date Completed: When the export job was completed.
Clicking on an export will open the Export Auction page for that auction.
Any errors that happen during the export process will be reported on the Export Monitor page. For additional errors, see the article related to the specific integration being used.
No photos were exported, likely because the New Photos Only box was checked during export. Navigate to Current Auction > Auction > Export Auction and select the Photo Options menu on the left side of the page. Uncheck the New Photos Only box and export again.
Additional Errors
For additional errors, see the 'Troubleshooting' section of the Exporting Catalogs help article.
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