
Wavebid Plugin: Add a Video to an Event

The Wavebid Plugin offers users the ability to add a video to an event's Auction Details page using the video's embed code. This article describes the process for posting videos to a website via the Wavebid Plugin.

This article contains the following sections:


Adding Videos

  1. Navigate to the applicable auction from the Dashboard, then select Auction > Edit Settings.
  2. Click on the Marketing Info tab.
  3. Click in the Marketing Content field to open the text editor.
  4. On the top left corner of the panel, click on the Source button to open the HTML editor. i3HostingVideo.PNG
  5. Paste the embed code obtained from YouTube into the Marketing Content field. Do not make any changes to the embed code unless the impact is known.
  6. Click the Source button again.
  7.  Click the Disk icon in the top right corner of the page to Save.
  8. Run a Marketing Task for that event to push the changes to the website. Marketing Tasks can take up to an hour to run. It is not recommended that users run back-to-back Marketing Tasks for the same event, as duplication may occur. Rather, wait for the change from one Marketing Task to be visible on the site before running another.
  9. The video will appear under the More Details tab on the event Details page. AddVideo1.jpg



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