

Connecting Wavebid to a Facebook account allows users to market their events using Wavebid's Marketing Tasks. This article describes the process for connecting Wavebid to a Facebook account and pushing content out to Facebook.

Please note, the Facebook/Wavebid integration is not currently functioning. For more information, please contact your Wavebid Administrator.

This article contains the following sections:


Linking an Account

  1. Login to the auction company Facebook account.
  2. Open Wavebid in another browser window.
  3. In Wavebid, navigate to My Links > Company > Partner Management.
  4. Click on the Social Media tab. 
  5. Next to the Facebook icon, click the Add Account link.
  6. Enter the Scope of the account:
    • Company Wide: All the users of a company will be able to publish to this Facebook account. A user will need to have Company Admin authority in order to select this scope.
    • User Only: Only the current Wavebid user will be able to publish to this Facebook account.
  7. Click Authorize Wavebid to use your Facebook Account button.


Create a Marketing Task

A Marketing Task will need to be run in order to push auction details to Facebook.

  1. Navigate to the applicable auction from the Dashboard, then select Marketing > Tasks.

  2. In the Online section, click the Add New Task link.

  3. A pop-up window will open:

      • What type of task do you want to add?
        • Select Facebook.
      • Task Name
        • Can be anything, ex. "Facebook post".
      • Date
        • When the task should run.
        • Wavebid will not run the task automatically.
      • Facebook Account to Post to
        • Select the External Account.
      • Page to Post to
        • Select the Page
      • Text to Post
        • Enter the text that should be posted along with the auction details.
      • Photo to Post
        • Select a photo to post along with the auction details.
      • Highlight
        • Select Photo.
  4. Click the Save button to run the task.

For more information on running Marketing Tasks, see Marketing Tasks.



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