
Add Hyperlinks to Lots

This article describes the steps for adding clickable hyperlinks to Lot Descriptions in Wavebid. For information on adding videos to lots, see Add Video to Lots. For information on attaching PDFs to lots, see the 'Adding Attachments to Lots' section of the Lot Builder help article.

This article contains the following sections:


Adding Hyperlinks to Lots

Clickable hyperlinks will only function if the bidding platform or site the lots are being exported to have HTML enabled on the Lot Description field (ex. Proxibid). If the Lot Description is not HTML enabled, the URL/link will just appear as plain text.

  1. Navigate to the applicable auction from the Dashboard, then select Catalogs > Lot Builder.
  2. Use the Go To Lot drop-down at the top of the page to select the lot, or create a new lot.
  3. Add the text to the Description field that will become the hyperlink.
    • Hyperlinks should be added to the Description field, as text added to the Additional Description field does not export to all bidding platforms (ex. Proxibid). Hyperlinks1.jpg
  4. Highlight the appropriate text and click on the Link icon. Hyperlinks2.jpg
  5. Paste the full URL into the URL field.
    • The Link Type and Protocol fields should update accordingly.
    • If the full URL is not added to the field, the hyperlink will not function properly.Hyperlinks3.jpg
  6. Click the Ok button. The highlighted text should now appear in blue, underlined text in the Description field, indicating that the text is now a hyperlink.Hyperlinks4.jpg
  7. Click the Disk icon in the top right corner of the page to Save.
    • The lot(s) can now be exported.



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