
2022 Wavebid Release Notes

Wavebid continually works to enhance, improve and eliminate issues. Below are Wavebid's newest features and enhancements we've released.

For a list of 2023 release notes, click here.

This publication contains the following sections:


December 2022

Release Date: December 14, 2022


  • Added pagination to the Dashboard for upcoming, active, and completed tabs, along with an auction search field which allows searched by auction name or auction ID.Wavebid_pagination_12142022.png
  • Made the Name field a requirement when creating a new email template, making it easier to differentiate between various templates.
  • Added global templates to the Advanced Email drop down on the Invoices page, which previously just included custom templates.

Mobile App:

  • Added rich text editor to correct an issue where HTML was not being displayed correctly in text fields.
    • Pending iOS and Android mobile store approval and push.

Bug Fixes:


November 2022

Release Date: November 30, 2022


Bug Fixes:

  • Corrected an issue causing certain search parameters on the Customer list to not filter properly.

Release Date: November 16, 2022


Release Date: November 2, 2022


  • Added pagination to the Credit Transaction report to improve load time.
  • Added a Download option to the All Lots report to allow for more than 2000 results to be extracted at once.


October 2022

Release Date: October 19, 2022

Bug Fixes:

  • Corrected an issue where clicking on a lot from the "All Lots" report resulted in Lot Builder bringing up the incorrect lot in a different event.
  • Added conditional logic to better handle grouped lots when importing from BidSpotter.

Release Date: October 5, 2022

Bug Fixes:

  • Corrected an issue where fee descriptions were not displaying on invoices if the invoices were set to only display Lot Titles. For more information on invoice settings, see Invoice Settings.
  • Corrected an issue where saving a data mapping with a day/ring field resulted in imports failing.


September 2022

Release Date: September 21, 2022


  • The Wavebid Stripe Integration as a payment gateway will be discontinued on 9/21/2022. If you currently use Stripe as your main payment gateway with Wavebid, Stripe will continue to be available to you.

    • Stripe will no longer be available as a payment gateway within Wavebid for new or existing clients who have not previously used the Stripe payment gateway.

    • Stripe support within Wavebid will be limited. Enhancements and identified bugs between Stripe and Wavebid will not be prioritized for fix.

    • Wavebid offers additional Payment Gateways which allow for automatic billing and invoicing which will continued to be offered and supported.
  • Added the ability to print Seller Settlements in landscape orientation. For more information, see Seller Settlements. PrintLandscapeOrientation.jpg
  • Added a Commission % to the Seller Schedule A report. For more information regarding the Schedule A report, see Seller Check-In. For more information on commissions, see Seller Commissions.

Release Date: September 7, 2022


  • Added an error message to the Clerking Sheet Options page when the Build Clerk Sheet button is clicked but the Show Clerk Sheet Number field is left blank. For more information, see Clerking Sheets. ClerkSheet1.jpg
  • Added an Advanced Email Option to the invoices page allowing users to select an email template when emailing invoices in bulk. For more information, see Invoices Page. AdvEmailOptions2.jpg


August 2022

Release Date: August 24, 2022


  • Added validation when attempting to charge credit cards in bulk. Clicking Yes, I'm Sure will charge the credit cards on file for all the selected invoices. BulkPayments1.jpg
  • Updated commissions assigned at the lot level to be based on a percentage rather than a flat rate. For more information, see Seller Commissions.
  • Updated the Marketing Task Type drop-down to display "Wavebid Plugin" rather than "Auction Services: AS4 Tools".                  MarketingTask2.jpg

Bug Fixes:

  • Corrected an issue causing the lot counts on the Auction Summary report to be incorrect.
  • Corrected an issue that removed total rows when printing seller settlements in bulk.

Release Date: August 10, 2022


  • Added new functionality to allow seller/consignor commissions to be set at a lot level.
    • To enable this option, navigate to the applicable auction from the Dashboard, then select Auction > Edit Settings. Check the box to the right of the Commission option and then click the Disk icon in the top right corner of the page to save changes. For more information on commissions, see Seller Commissions. For more information on Auction Attributes, see Auction Settings.                                                                               AuctionAttributes1.jpg
  • Added a new invoice option to display the Lot Title rather than the Lot Description on invoices.
    • To enable this option, navigate to the applicable auction from the Dashboard, then select Auction > Edit Settings. Click on the Invoices tab. Check the box to the right of the Show lot title (not description) on invoices option and then click the Disk icon in the top right corner of the page to save the changes. For more information on Invoice options and settings, see Invoice Settings.                     InvoiceSettings.jpg

Bug Fixes:

  • Corrected an issue where a "non descriptive script error" was being generated when the Buyer's Premium Cap field was left blank when creating an event. The blank field will now be perceived as zero, meaning that no cap will be applied.
  • Corrected an issue where the Additional Description field was disappearing when individually updating lots in Lot Builder if the event's Auction Software was set to Proxibid.


July 2022

Release Date: July 27, 2022


  • Extended use of the Multi-Day/Multi-Ring feature to BidSpotter Auction Software type users. For more information, see Multi-Day/Multi-Ring Events.
  • Added the "Status" column option for Seller Settlements. This columns reflects the payment status of the lot's applicable invoice (paid/not paid).
  • Added the "Lot Title" column option for Seller Settlements.

Bug Fixes:

  • Corrected an issue where the "Sale Type" field was being removed from Lot Builder when saving a lot.

Release Date: July 13, 2022


  • Implementation of the Multi-Day/Multi-Ring feature that will more easily allow Proxibid and Universal Auction Software type users to create events spread across multiple days or rings. For more information, see Multi-Day/Multi-Ring Events.
  • Updating the BidSpotter integration so that unsold lots will no longer import with a selling price of $0. This will place unsold lots from BidSpotter on the Unsold Lots List.
  • Resolved an issue relating to duplication of imported lot fees.

Release Date: July 1, 2022


  • Auction Technology Group (ATG) has developed important taxonomy (categorization) changes available to auctioneers using Wavebid and Proxibid. These updates will improve category pathing and navigation for any online bidders and make it easier for search engines to index website content. 

    • Many categories have been updated in recent weeks. To review an up-to-date list of our taxonomy categories, login to Wavebid, navigate to any auction on the Dashboard, then select Catalogs > Category Codes. A PDF will open containing all of the current categories and subcategories.

    • Users who import their catalogs to Wavebid may need to incorporate the revised category list into their .CSV template(s). For more information on importing catalogs, see Importing Catalogs.
    • For more information on using categories in Wavebid, see Categories and Metadata.


June 2022

Release Date: June 29, 2022


  • Added new functionality to copy an event.
    • This option is only visible to Company Admins.
    • The event workspace will be copied, but the lots will not. Lots can be copied separately.
    • All of the event settings will be copied except the external linking ID.
    • For more information, see the 'Copy an Auction' section of the Create an Auction help article.

Release Date: June 17, 2022


  • Added the Asset Tag field to the Lot Builder page on the Wavebid Mobile app. The field will need to be added to the Lot Builder Template within the app in order to be utilized.
  • Added the Inventory Number field to the Lot Builder page on the Wavebid Mobile app. The field will need to be added to the Lot Builder Template within the app in order to be utilized. 
  • The above enhancements are available in the latest version of the Wavebid Mobile, which is currently available in the Google Play Store and the Apple store.

Release Date: June 15, 2022


  • Removed the Email button from the Checkout Summary report. The report can still be exported to a .CSV, PDF, etc.
  • Eliminated the following columns from Lot Preview page. The Lot Preview page is accessed by clicking on the Binoculars to the right of a lot number on the Auction Preview page.
    • Bids
    • Higher Bidder
    • Current Amount
    • Next Bid Required
    • Your Bid
    • Your Maximum
  • Added a new tool to allow users to select which columns to display on emailed Seller Settlements. To use the new feature, navigate to a specific Seller Settlement, click on the Envelope in the top right corner of the page, and select Configure Columns for Settlement Emails. A window will open containing column titles. Select the columns to be displayed and click the Save Changes button. For more information, see Emailing Seller Settlements. EmailSellerSettlement3.jpg

Release Date: June 1, 2022


  • Updated the display order and changed the headers for Unexported/Modified lots on the Export Auction screen.
    • Previously displayed as:                     OldExportScreenHeaders.jpg
    • Will now display as:                                   NewExportScreenHeaders.jpg
  • Extended error messaging on the Export Auction page to clearly notify users when an export cannot be completed because only a GALLERY lot is present.
    • Auctions must contain a lot in order to be exported. GALLERY lots do not count as lots for export purposes. If the only lot in the catalog is a GALLERY lot, the catalog cannot be exported.


May 2022

Release Date: May 17, 2022


  • When auto-importing buyer info from Proxibid to Wavebid, all of the event's approved bidders will now be imported into Wavebid, rather than just winning bidders. The bidders from the event's Accepted list in Proxibid will be imported. Bidders who are Pending, In-Review, or Declined in Proxibid will not be imported into Wavebid.
  • Response and load times have been improved on the Lot Bulk Actions page to increase efficiency.
  • Improved export time when exporting a catalog images from Wavebid to Proxibid.
  • Introduced a new lot number search function on the Invoices page. Clicking the Magnifying Glass icon at the top of page will open a pop-up window that can be used to search for a particular lot across all invoices. For more information, see Invoices Page.
  • When entering tax exemption information on a bidder profile, the Tax Exempt ID and File Name fields will now be required if a Tax Exempt form is uploaded or a Tax Exempt Expiration date is entered. For more information, see Tax Exemption.

Release Date: May 3, 2022

Bug Fixes:

  • Corrected an issue with lots being sorted incorrectly when using the copy/move feature on the Lot Bulk Actions page.
  • Corrected an issue with results not sorting as intended on the Vehicle Title report.
  • Extended error logging across all software types to include a warning message when exporting a sale with no lots assigned.


April 2022

Release Date: April 19, 2022

Bug Fixes:

  • Continued work correcting a multiple tab error for the advanced clerk sheet controller
  • Removed warning banner for tax code not set when the event is selected to be tax exempt

Release Date: April 5, 2022

Bug Fixes:

  • Corrected an issue with multiple tab sessions on Account invoice detail controller
  • Corrected an issue impacting the copy/move function when selecting a lot range
  • Mobile Application: Correcting issues with the in app camera isolated to iOS 14


March 2022

Release Date: March 22, 2022

Bug Fixes:

  • Correcting an issue resulting in a multiple tab error
  • Corrected issue causing sort order of lot number field to display incorrectly

Release Date: March 8, 2022


  • Increase character limit on category descrptions to match Proxibid.

Bug Fixes:

  • Invoicing
    • All Invoices page columns wide when other columns are hidden. This has been corrected.
    • When user tries to access All Auctions > All invoices screen results in error. This has been corrected.
    • When user selects "All" from pagination within All Auctions >All invoices desired data is not retrieved. This has been corrected.
    • Bulk Mark Invoices as Paid does not move forward. This has been corrected.
    • Totals missing from All Invoices Page: This has been corrected.
  • Clerking Austo Advance not working. This has been corrected.
  • Pay Now button not working with Custom Invoices. This has been corrected.                                                                                 
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