
Why Do I Get an Error When Accessing Wavebid?

The error below, which usually comes with the 101 code, is particularly common on Chrome, but the message does not directly indicate whether the problem is caused by the client, the server, or the network.


The 101 error on Chrome, Firefox, etc. can occur when the browser reaches the contacted web server, but the subsequent connection setup fails. As with many other problems on the web, there are multiple possible causes of the error, so there are multiple solutions to try. The first would be to refresh the page or click the F5 key.

Additional troubleshooting steps for clearing up this error message are:

  1. Check the computer's proxy settings.
    • Access the computer’s control panel (settings) and locate the Internet Options. A pop-up window should open.  PCControlPanelWindows10.jpg
    • Under the Connections tab, click on the LAN settings button. PCConnectionsTab.jpg
    • Uncheck the Use a proxy server for your LAN box. PCProxyCheckbox.jpg
    • Click the OK button to save changes and then try to access the Wavebid website again.
    • Please note that some Chrome extensions use their own proxy settings, which become active independently of the proxy configurations in a computer’s system settings. In this case, the proxy usage must be switched off directly in the browser or the corresponding extensions must be deleted to fix the ERR_CONNECTION_RESET.
  2. Clear browser cache. When doing so, be sure to check all three boxes (Browsing History, Cookies and other site data, Cached images and files) before clicking the Clear Data button. After clearing, close the browser completely and then attempt to access the site again. ChromeClearCache.jpg
  3. Restart the computer.
  4. Restart the router.




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