
Printing Seller Checks

Wavebid offers a feature that allows Seller checks to be printed directly through the Wavebid system. This article describes the process for creating a check template, printing checks for individual or multiple sellers, and editing and/or re-printing checks.

This article contains the following sections:


Create a Check Layout

A check layout must be created before a check can be printed.

Please note, the size of the text, text font, and text capitalization that appear in the resulting check cannot be edited.

  1. Scan a copy of the blank check that will be used for printing and save it as a Jpeg (.jpg) file.                Example:                                                                                                            BlankCheckTemplate.JPG
  2. Navigate to My Links > Company > Accounting Settings > Check Layouts.
  3. Click the Plus icon in the top right corner of the page to create a new Check Layout.
    • To edit an existing Layout, select the layout from the Choose Check Layout to Edit drop-down in the top left corner of the page.
  4. Enter a Name for the layout.
  5. Use the Check Count drop-down to select the number of checks on the layout.
  6. Click the Choose File button and then select the JPEG of the scanned check. CheckUploadScreen.PNG
  7. Click the Disk button in the top right corner of the page to Save. The image of the scanned check should appear.
  8.  Select a field from the Choose a Field to Add to the Layout drop-down, then drag and drop the field to its respective location on the check so Wavebid knows where on the page to print the information.
    • The size of the fields can be changed by clicking on the edge of the box and dragging it in or out.
    • The size of the text, text font, and text capitalization that appear in the resulting check cannot be edited.
    • To delete a field that's been added, click the Trashcan icon to the left of the field name. 
    • To add custom text to a check, add the Free Form Text field to the layout and then click the Pencil icon to enter the text.                                   CheckTemplateFields.PNG
  9. Continue until all of the necessary fields are complete.
    • If there are multiple checks in the layout, all of the fields will need to be completed for each check.                          CheckTemplateComplete.PNG 
  10. Once the layout is complete, click the Disk icon in the top right corner of the page to Save. A message will appear at the top of the screen indicating that the layout was saved. This layout can now be used to print checks in Wavebid. CheckTemplateSaveConfirmation.PNG


Print Checks for Sellers

A check layout must be created before a check can be printed.


Print Checks for an Individual Seller

  1. Navigate to the applicable auction from the Dashboard, then select Accounting > Sellers.
  2. Click on the seller's name to open their Seller Settlement.
  3. Click on the Printer icon in the top right corner of the page and select Print Check. A pop-up window will open. 
    • Sellers who do not have an amount due to them will not have this option. Once items are clerked for the seller, this option should appear.PrintCheckFromSellerSettlement.PNG
  4. Use the drop-down to select the Check Layout.
  5. Enter the Check Number, Amount, and the Payable to information.                                                             PrintCheckOptions.PNG 
  6. Click the Print button. A PDF will open in a new tab. 
  7. Place the checks into the printer and print the PDF. The PDF fields should print in the corresponding check fields.
    • Please note, the size of the text, text font, and text capitalization that appear in the resulting check cannot be edited. CheckTemplatePDFFields.PNG
  8. The payment will automatically be applied to the seller.


Print Checks for Multiple Sellers

  1. Navigate to the appropriate auction on the Dashboard, then select Accounting > Sellers.
  2. To print checks for all sellers who are owed, click on the Printer icon in the top right corner of the page and select Print Check. A pop-up window will appear. 
    • To print checks for specific sellers, check the box to the left of the Seller Number prior to printing. Only those sellers selected will be printed.                    PrintChecksMultipleSellers.PNG
  3. Select a Check Layout from the drop-down.
  4. Enter the Starting Check Number.
    • Check numbers will be printed in sequential order starting with this number.PrintChecksMultipleSellers2.PNG
  5. Click the Print button to continue. A PDF will open in a new tab.
  6. Place the checks into the printer and print the PDF. The PDF fields should print in the corresponding check fields. 
    • Please note, the size of the text, text font, and text capitalization that appear in the resulting check cannot be edited.
  7. The payment will automatically be applied to the sellers.


Edit and Re-print Checks

If an error was made on a check and it needs to be re-printed, the payment will need to be removed before the check can be printed again.

  1. Navigate to the applicable auction from the Dashboard, then select Accounting > Sellers.
  2. Scroll to the right to view the Payments column.
  3. Click the X to the right of the payment that's been applied to the seller needing a re-print to remove the payment.  EditDeleteSellerPayment.JPG
  4. A confirmation window will appear. Click the Ok button to continue.
  5. Click on the seller's name to open their Seller Settlement
  6. Click on the Printer icon in the top right corner of the page and select Print Check from the drop-down.
  7. Proceed with printing the check.



Nothing To Print

If a "Nothing to Print" message appears, this is likely because all of the sellers have already had checks printed for them, or they do not have an amount due to them.                     

View the Balance Due and Payments column on the Sellers page. Sellers that already have payments applied will not generate new checks. If a check needs to be edited and/or re-printed, see Edit and Re-print Checks.

Sellers that do not have a balance due will also not generate checks. Confirm that the auction has been properly clerked to indicate that lots from the seller have sold. Once lots are clerked and a balance is due, a check can be generated.

In the example below, no checks are do and attempting to print checks would result in a "Nothing to print" message.


Formatting Issues

Please note, the size of the text, text font, and text capitalization that appear in the resulting check cannot be edited.



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