This article describes the processes for creating fees and adding them to individual lots or invoices. For information on Buyer's Premiums, see Buyer's Premiums. For information on seller expenses or credits, see Seller Expenses and Credits. For information on Convenience (credit card) fees, see the 'Accounting Tab' section in the Auction Settings help article.
This article contains the following sections:
- Create a Fee
- Add a Fee to a Lot
- Add a Fee to a Lot via Lot Fee Bulk Import
- Add a Fee to an Invoice
- Fee Taxes
- Reporting
- Troubleshooting
Create a Fee
Fees must be created at a company level before they can be applied to invoices or lots.
- Navigate to My Links > Company > Accounting Settings > Fees.
- Enter a Name for the fee.
- The Fee Name will not appear on the invoice.
- Enter either a fee Amount or Percentage.
- If both a flat Amount and a Percentage are entered, the system will default to using the flat Amount.
- Enter a Description of the fee.
- If the Description exceeds 255 characters (including spaces) there can be issues accessing invoices containing these fees.
- The Description will appear on the invoice.
- If the fee is taxable, check the Taxable box.
- Click the Save button. The fee will be added to the Individual Fees table. Fees created here can then be added to invoices or lots.
- To edit an existing fee, click the Pencil icon to the right of the fee, make the necessary change, and click the Save button.
- To delete a fee, click the Trashcan icon to the right of the fee. The fee will be removed from the Individual Fees table.
Add a Fee to a Lot
Fees will need to be created before they can be applied to lots. Fees can be added to specific lots in three ways:
- Via Lot Builder
- Via bulk import
- Via the Invoice.
Add a Fee to a Lot via Lot Builder
- Navigate to the appropriate auction from the Dashboard, then select Catalogs > Lot Builder.
- Use the Go to lot drop-down menu to select the appropriate lot number, or create a new lot.
- If a new lot is created, it will need to be saved before the Fees tab will be accessible.
- If a new lot is created, it will need to be saved before the Fees tab will be accessible.
- Click on the Fees tab at the bottom of the page.
- Click on the Add Fee button. A pop-up window will open.
- Select a fee from the Type drop-down menu.
- The fees that appear in this drop-down are ones that were previously created on the company's Fee Management page.
- Any details associated with the fee will automatically populate when the fee is selected.
The fee details can be edited. Any fee changes made here will only impact this lot.
- Click the Save button. The fee will be listed under the lot's Fees tab.
- To edit a lot fee, click the Pencil icon to the right of the fee, make the changes, and click the Save button.
- To delete a lot fee, click the Trashcan icon to the right of the fee. A confirmation window will appear. Click the Ok button to delete. The fee will be removed from the Fees tab.
- Save the lot by clicking the Disk icon in the top right corner of the Lot Builder page.
Add a Fee to a Lot via Lot Fee Bulk Import
- Prepare a spreadsheet containing five columns:
- Lot Number
- Fee Type
- Enter 'Custom' if the fee type needed has not been created yet.
- Description
- If the Description exceeds 255 characters (including spaces) there can be issues accessing invoices containing these fees.
- Amount
- Taxable
- The Taxable column will only need to be filled in with a "1" if the item is taxable. If the item isn’t taxable, the field should be left blank.
- The Taxable column will only need to be filled in with a "1" if the item is taxable. If the item isn’t taxable, the field should be left blank.
- Save the spreadsheet as a Comma-Separated Values (.CSV) file type.
- Once the spreadsheet is created, navigate to the appropriate auction from the Dashboard, then select Accounting > Reports > Fees.
- Click the Lot Fee Bulk Import button at the top of the page. A pop-up window will open.
- Use the drop-down to select the fee Type.
- If multiple Fee Types are being imported, or the desired Fee Type is not listed, select Custom.
- If multiple Fee Types are being imported, or the desired Fee Type is not listed, select Custom.
- Click the Choose File button and select the spreadsheet created above.
- Click the Upload button. The page will refresh displaying the newly added fees.
Add a Fee to a Lot via Invoice
- Navigate to the appropriate auction from the Dashboard, then select Accounting > Invoices.
Click on the Invoice Number of the applicable invoice.
- On the invoice, click the Plus Sign (+) under the Add Fee column. A pop-up window will open.
- Select a fee from the Type drop-down menu.
- The fees that appear in this drop-down are ones that were previously created on the company's Fee Management page.
- Any details associated with that fee will automatically populate when the fee is selected.
- The fee details can be edited. Any fee changes made here will only impact this invoice.
- Click the Save button. The fee (and any applicable taxes) will be added to the invoice.
- To edit the fee, click the Pencil icon to the left of the fee, make the changes, and click the Save button.
- To delete the fee, click the X to the left of the fee. A confirmation will appear. Click Ok to delete.
If needed, the tax rate on a fee can be edited by clicking on the value in the Sales Price Tax column.
The fee must be set as "Taxable" in order for taxes to be edited.
A pop-up window will appear. Select a rate from the Tax Code drop-down and click the Set Tax Code button. For more information on Tax Codes, see Creating Tax Codes.
Add a Fee to an Invoice
Flat amount fees can be added to an invoice without having to be associated with a particular lot. Percentage fees cannot be added to the invoice using this method, they must be associated with a lot in order to calculate properly.
- Navigate to the appropriate auction from the Dashboard, then select Accounting > Invoices.
Click on the Invoice Number of the applicable invoice.
- Click on the Actions button and select Add Invoice Fee. A pop-up window will appear.
- Select a fee from the Type drop-down menu.
- The fees that appear in this drop-down are ones that were previously created on the company's Fee Management page.
- Any details associated with that fee will automatically populate when the fee is selected.
- The fee details can be edited. Any fee changes made here will only impact this invoice.
- Click the Save button. The fee (and any applicable taxes) will be added to the invoice.
- If the Fee Description does not appear on the invoice, see the Troubleshooting section below.
- To edit the fee, click the Pencil icon to the left of the fee, make the changes, and click the Save button.
- To delete a fee, click the X to the left of the fee.
If needed, the tax rate on a fee can be edited by clicking on the rate in the Tax column. The fee must be set as "Taxable" in order for taxes to be edited.
A pop-up window will appear. Select a rate from the Tax Code drop-down and click the Set Tax Code button. For more information on Tax Codes, see Creating Tax Codes.
Fee Taxes
When a fee is created, it can set up as being taxable or non-taxable. If the Taxable box is checked, the fee will be taxable. If the box is not checked, the fee will be non-taxable.
The same option is available when adding a fee to a lot or adding the fee to the invoice as a whole.
For more information, see Tax Exemption.
A report of fees charged in an auction can be found by navigating to Accounting > Reports > Fees. Click on the invoice number in the applicable Invoice column to open the invoice to make edits or to delete the fee.
- Click the Pencil icon to the left of the fee to make edits.
- Click the X to the left of the fee to delete it.
Fees can only be edited or deleted on the invoices that do not have any payments applied. If payments have already been applied to an invoice, they will need to be deleted before the fee can be edited or deleted. For information on deleting payments, see Payments.
Fee Description Doesn't Appear
If a fee is added to an invoice but the description of the fee does not show,
- Confirm that a custom invoice is not currently being used.
- Custom invoices may interfere with the way fees are displayed.
- If the Details section of the invoice is using advanced customization, confirm that the Inv Item Description field is being utilized. If the Lot Description or Lot Additional Desc. fields are being used, the Fee description will not appear on the invoice.
- Confirm that text has been entered into the Description field when creating the fee.
- The fee Name will not appear on the invoice, but the Description will.
Percentage Isn't Calculating
Percentage based fees cannot be added to an invoice by clicking on the Actions drop-down and selecting Add Invoice Fee. The fee will be added to the invoice, but the percentage will not calculate and the amount will incorrectly show as zero. Only flat fees can be added in this manner.
Can't Edit/Delete a Fee
Fees can only be edited or deleted on the invoices that do not have any payments applied. If payments have already been applied to an invoice, they will need to be deleted before the fee can be edited or deleted. For information on deleting payments, see Payments.
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