

Maxanet and Wavebid provide the ability to auto-export a catalog and photos, as well as update changes. This article describes the process for linking to Maxanet, exporting from Wavebid to Maxanet, and importing post sale data back into Wavebid.

This article contains the following sections:


Linking an Account

The linking process below only needs to take place once. However, if a user changes their password in Maxanet, they will need to change it Wavebid as well, or the linking will no longer function.

The information below will need to be obtained from Maxanet. This information can be found in an activation email sent to the user, or in the address bar of a browser window when using Maxanet. Users can also contact JBS Software to request this information. 

  • Host: The address of the backend FTP server. This address changes depending on the exact configuration a user has for hosting on Maxanet servers, but is where catalog files and pictures are uploaded. For example,

  • FTP username: The username required to upload catalogs and pictures to the backend FTP server.

  • FTP password: The password required catalogs and pictures to the backend FTP server.

  • FTP Root: This is the directory (folder) that contains the auction workspaces in the backend FTP server. To locate this information, sign on to the Host using preferred FTP software, then go down the folder structure until the folder containing the auction folders themselves is located. For example, /html/wavebid, and the folder structure would look like this: MaxanetConfiguration.JPG

    • Each auction represents a workspace and is where the catalog files and the photos are stored.

  • Administrative link: The page a user visits to sign in to administer their Maxanet account. This is usually based on the Host for a site. For example,

  • Administrative password: The password used to login to the administrative page.


Wavebid Configuration 

After the information above has been obtained, Wavebid will also need to be configured. 

  1. Navigate to My Links > Company > Catalog Settings > Export.
  2. select Maxanet from the Select an export format drop-down, then fill in the rest of the required information:
    • FTP username: Maxanet FTP username.
    • FTP Password: Maxanet FTP password.
    • FTP Server: The user's Host. This will change for the user's specific company.
    • FTP Root Directory: Type in the folder containing a company's auctions.
    • URL for Automated Catalog Upload: Type in the Administrative link, then change everything after cgi-bin/ to mrnewinv.cgi. Based on the previous example would change to
    • Remote Password for Automated Catalog upload: Type in the Administrative password.
    • Maxanet Admin Password: Leave this empty as it is not required.
  3. Click the Save button in the top right corner of the page.


Linking an Auction

These steps will need to be completed for every auction being exported to Maxanet.

  1. Navigate to the applicable auction from the Dashboard, then select Auction > Edit Settings.
  2. Under the Auction Attributes tab, change the Auction Software drop-down to Maxanet. MaxanetSettings.JPG
  3. Enter the FTP Photo Directory, which is the folder where the photos will be stored, based on the folder structure above.
  4. Enter the Remote Workspace, which is the folder where the catalog is to be stored, based on the folder structure above.
  5. Click the Disk icon in the top right corner of the page to Save.

The FTP Photo Directory and Remote Workspace will change depending on which Maxanet workspace the user is exporting to. Please keep in mind these settings can vary depending on a user's exact configuration with JBS Software, as users can have an FTP Photo Directory that is separate from the auction workspace.


Exporting an Auction

  1. Navigate to the applicable auction from the Dashboard, then select Auction > Export Auction.
  2. Set the Lot Options.
    • Export all lots or just a range of lots.
  3. Set the Catalog Options:
    • The Generate Catalog box should be checked,
    • Data Mapping is set to Maxanet
    • The Save as .CSV should not be checked.
  4. Photo Options:
    • The Zip Photos box should be checked.
    • The New Photos Only box should not be checked. 
    • If using Thumbnails, select a pixel size from the drop-down.
  5. Click the Export Auction button. The Export Monitor page will provide a status of the export and indicate whether or not it was successful. For more information, see Export Monitor.
    • The export process can take up to 15 minutes, depending on the size of the catalog and the number of photos. Wavebid will transfer the catalog via web interface and the photos through FTP.


Importing Bidders and Sale Data

Retrieve Maxanet Reports 

  1. In Maxanet, navigate to Online Bidding Tools > Bidder Reports > All Winning Bidders.
  2. Click on the Download button.
  3. Once the page loads, the raw tabulated data for of the auction's bidders will display.
  4. Copy all of the text and paste it into a notepad program or simple text editor.
  5. Save the file.
  6. In Maxanet, navigate to Online Bidding Tools > View Winning Bids.
  7. Click on the Download link at top of page.
  8. Once the page loads, the raw tabulated data for of the auction's winning bids will display.
  9. Copy all of the text and paste it into a notepad program or simple text editor. Remove any special characters (ex. $ or ,) from the sale amounts.
  10. Save the file.

Import Bidder Data

  1. From the Wavebid Dashboard, navigate to the applicable auction and select Accounting > Import Buyers.
  2. Check the Has header row? box.
  3. Select Pipe from the Delimiter drop-down.
  4. Click the Choose File button, then locate the winning bidder file saved from Maxanet, and click the Upload button.
  5. Map the columns as needed. The most important columns to map are:
    • Email
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • All other columns are optional, but mapping them will improve the bidder database.
  6. Once mapping is complete, click the Import button. This process will check all of the imported buyers into the auction.

Import Sales Data

  1. From the Dashboard, go to the auction workspace and click Accounting > Import Sale Info.
  2. Check the Has header row? box.
  3. Select Pipe from the Delimiter drop-down.
  4. Click the Choose File button, then locate the winning bids file saved from Maxanet, and click the Upload button.
  5. Map the columns as needed. The required columns to map are:
    • Item: Lot #
    • Max: Selling Price
    • Bidder: Bidder Number
    • All other columns are optional
  6. Once mapping is complete, click the Import button. This process will create the invoices for the sold lots from the auction.

Once the above steps for importing bidder data and sale data are complete, invoices should be populated in Wavebid and should be ready for distribution.



Special Characters

Errors may occur when dollar signs or commas are present within sale amounts. These characters must be removed prior to importing or the import will fail.


Reserves Didn't Export to Maxanet

If Reserve amounts were entered into Wavebid, but they did not export. Confirm that the company level catalog settings aren't preventing the export of Reserve amounts. 

  • Navigate to My Links > Company > Profile
  • Click on the Preferences tab. 
  • Click on the Cataloging option on the left side of the page. 
  • Uncheck the Do Not Export Reserve values box.
  • Click the Disk icon in the top right corner of the page to save the changes. The event can now be exported again.



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