
Auctioneer Screen

This article describes what the Auctioneer Screen is and how to configure it for use during a live event.

This article contains the following sections:


What is the Auctioneer Screen?

The Auctioneer Screen allows the auctioneer to track the lots the clerk currently has pulled up on the Clerking grid, enabling the auctioneer to adjust the current auction pace as needed.

The Auctioneer Screen is run by the clerk and requires minimal configuration. It functions as a single webpage which may be viewed on a display attached to the clerk’s computer, another computer, or even a tablet device.

If an auction also has live bidders, Auction Tube is a great feature that will allow them to also track the auction.


Auctioneer Screen Configuration

  1. The auctioneer will need to access their Wavebid Dashboard, navigate to the applicable auction, then select Accounting > Auctioneer Screen.
  2. Select the screen number to display from the drop-down.
  3. Use the Select a Style drop-down to choose whether the background will be light (white) or dark (black).AuctioneerScreen1.PNG
  4. Click the Start Auctioneer Screen button.

The display will automatically change depending on how many lots the clerk has pulled up on the Clerk tab (clerking grid).

Example of a single lot display:



Example of multiple lot display:



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