
Seller Payments

This article describes how Wavebid can be used to document that payments have been made to sellers at the end of an auction.

This article contains the following sections:


Documenting Seller Payments

There are three methods for documenting that a payment was made to a seller:

  1. On the Seller Summary Page

  2. On the Seller Settlement

  3. By Printing a Seller Check

Please note that, while Wavebid can be used to track payments made to sellers, there is not a way to actually issue a payment to a seller via credit card or bank transfer (ACH) in Wavebid.

Add a Payment via the Seller Summary Page

The Seller Summary page can be used to document that a payment was made to the seller:

  1. Navigate to the appropriate auction from the Dashboard, then select Accounting > Seller.
  2. Check the box to the far left of the applicable Seller and then click the Dollar Sign in the top right corner of the page. A pop-up window will open. SellerPayments1.jpg
  3. Use the fields to enter the payment information. SellerPayments2.jpg
  4. Click the Save button. The Seller Settlement will be updated to reflect the payment.

Add a Payment via the Seller Settlement

The Seller Settlement can be used to document that a payment was made to the seller:

  1. Navigate to the appropriate auction from the Dashboard, then select Accounting > Seller.
  2. Click on the applicable Seller to open their Seller Settlement.
  3. Click the Add Payment link on the right side of the Seller Settlement. A pop-up window will open.AddPaymentSellerSettlement.JPG
  4. Use the fields to enter the information for the payment. SellerPayments2.jpg
  5. Click the Save button. The Seller Settlement will be updated to reflect the change.

Add a Payment By Printing a Seller Check

Printing checks will automatically document that a payment was made to the seller. For more information, see Printing Seller Checks.


Edit or Remove Seller Payments

To edit or remove a seller payment, navigate to the Seller Summary page (Current Auction > Accounting > Sellers) and scroll to the right to view the Payments column. 


  • Click the Pencil icon in to the right of the amount to edit the payment. A pop-up window will appear. Make the desired changes and then click the Save button.
  • Click the X to the right of the amount to delete the payment. A pop-up window will appear. Click the Ok button to confirm.


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